Sweet Dee

Don't try to understand women. Women understand women and they hate eachother- Al Bundy

I thought she was going to end up shooting some poor soul looking for peanut butter.

It's been two, and I'm talking about last season. Also, You don't tell me how dramatic to be! (30 Rock reference)

Exactly! I imagine him waiting for her with anticipation and an angel or something pulls him to the side and says "She's not coming, she said she's just not that into you"

I don't know about that, but I will agree it is a travesty Michonne's character has faded so far into the background

Also, how was hair cut lady's assassin the only one who doesn't know how to kill people? It would have been nice to see her go, but I guess it's just wishful thinking

Gotdamm! Now that's good television!


And Teddy knocking it over was gold.

The funniest part of that movie is she had a whole lifetime of memories with a different man, had his children, shared grandchildren with him, yet she goes to heaven to be with a man she knew 3 days.

I knew how Titanic was going to end, but I still enjoyed it. Food for thought

"She's all that in a pointy hat"

"There's that idiot Boo Boo. Last week was his dumb birthday, not that I care or even know that"

I love everything about this post, but you really sold it with the #toomanypeckers!! I whole heartedly agree

I love the mannequin episode, and the ending is perfect.

He used the word canceled, so there

And U just said it wasn't canceled, and yet it was.

Do you know what canceled means. Doesn't matter if he was fired or not, the show stopped airing, therefore it was canceled. What other term would you use?

Doesn't change the fact that the ratings were significantly lower in its second season.