Sweet Dee

The way the headline is worded leads me believe that no, it does not matter.

Obviously not enough people liked it because the show got canceled, and his overuse of the word was a part of the reason why.

I watched most of the episodes because, as I mentioned, I adore his standup. I got what he was trying to accomplish with the long running joke, it just didn't work for me. Although, there was one episode where one of the comedians on the panel appeared bewildered at Jeselnik's repetitive use of the word. At the end,

I love his stand up but his show was horrible IMO. Saying the word panel over and over again was the most annoying thing I've ever seen on a talk show, which is saying a lot.

The excitement of looking at something naughty. Oh, childhood

I hope that's true!

Did you guys notice the author said Carl instead of Carter?

Really Maggie? Tara is one of the most important people in your life? When did that happen? "I appreciate your hair game" Lol, he was probably offended to have his hair compared to a mullet, not that it's not amazing.

I know! It seems to happen in a lot of these teen vampire shows. If you've been around for as long as these vamps have, you'd think they'd get some perspective.

I think Andrew was thinking he would hurt him more if he killed his daughter

She's amazing on OITNB. I love your screen name btw

She has been the most useful, in my eyes, the whole season. I expected it but I was hoping I was wrong

Not Liza! Gotdammit!

Why are you reading a review from season 5 then? I could not care less that you don't like the show. Lizzie isn't Quinn, she's a character that doesn't show up to season 4.

Lizzie is so boring. I can't even fathom caring about her.

Science as a religion? That reminds me of what an amazing man named Ronald McDonald, better known as Mac, had to say about such things.

But we did figure out how to fry an Oreo so…

If you don't have TBL on dvd and/or blu-ray then you need to take a serious look at your life choices.

Boobs are the only reason I've ever clicked on anything

"And I do not like them apples Dee Dee"