

Just wait until patent trolls start getting ideas!

@RambaRal: hurrah! Yeah, I still have no idea what was causing that error. oh well. shorturls to the rescue!

@razzbarry: heh, yeah, around this time last year, I was getting a bit overwhelmed by the backlog, so I decided to make a list. a while back I saw someone else do something similar, so it basically evolved from that simple list into the beast you see there, as I also thought it'd be interesting to see just how much I

@RambaRal: this is really strange. copy pasting the link into my browser works, but the hyperlink gawker changes links into seems to be messing with the link. I seem to be getting the error on click too.

@FutbolGenius: having multiple games on the go, I usually end up doing, but usually I'm just playing a single game per sitting. I mostly play RPGs and other story heavy stuff, so little chunks at a time really aren't that good of an experience. I guess it really depends on what kind of game you play though.

@Firebug: Ask Santa for DS or PSP. :D but in all seriousness, you could probably still find some classic pc games to play if you're just looking for something to do. The original starcraft even still runs on just about everything. haha.

hey, Kotaku! I'm done with my exams after friday, so I'm looking to blow through a bit of my backlog during the break. anyone feel like helping me choose a couple games?

@RambaRal: Yeah, truth, I like the actual plug suit a lot better. But, the pose and actual sculpting was quite nice on this one. Most of the combat plugsuit ones I've been interested in have long been sold out. ah well, it's just a matter of time, there'll always be more Evangelion figures. heh.

@dear_pooka: haha, lucky you. I normally am pretty OCD about checking tracking, and for some reason this morning, I didn't, for whatever reason check as soon as I woke up. and sure enough, it was definitely listed as out for delivery today. oh well.

@Broax: eh, not really world shattering. More of a momentary rage.

I've been waiting for like 2 weeks for a figure ([] to arrive in the mail, and I literally *just* sat on the toilet and the doorbell rang. FFFFFFFUUUUUUU

@The_Hellraiser: PS3 Media Server works with the 360. as for the original xbox, no idea. D: It doesn't quite work *as* smoothly as on the PS3 all the time, but it did a good enough job for me before I was able to grab a PS3

@GregtheMad: Or... what if this was the start of some crazy viral marketing by Sega, and it in fact was setting the backdrop for a remake, by having everyone experience a similar situation and therefore be able to relate to the game! DAMN SEGA, YOU GENIUSES!