
@Aphelion: haha. I was wondering the same thing!

@Revenge_of_Nekojin: that's pretty much what I was getting at. there's other uses for a console than pirating a game as well. And it varies by individual, much like the phone situation. Any assumptions that it will only be used for piracy are just as valid for a phone.

@Jotsy: hey, DRM is allready there on consoles, that would be why this hack exists.

@UsernameOfTheDead: it's not primarily made for this hack. it was allready used quite extensively outside it. They allready made a bunch of money. this will be a small spike, (or maybe a bit bigger of one).

@bentl78: because it can be done. that's all the reason you need.

@blackmajic13: but I don't see the difference between this and a phone, anyone who has jailbroken an iphone is likely to pirate an app as well. just because they're only a few dollars, doesnt make them any less of a product.

you see, that is the kind of revolutionary controller I could do with!

@NorwoodIsMyHero: That's an assumption. Until we are there, we will not know that.

Namco Bandai needs to wake up and give me more Gundam games. That is all.

@ergheiz: simply not believing and having no reason to believe are two separate things. they result in the same thing, but they are two separate ways to get there.

@origosis: the only way I was able to understand nothing, was via math.

Hey Gizmodo, you should do a "Giz Explains: The scientific method", because a lot of people seem to not understand that science is not a belief system.

@SEDAGIVE?!: but that's assuming the universe ends, no?

@techsan13: Well. Yours is an assumption. His is not. That is quite scientific, actually.

@legohan001: So, you're saying to just give up on the chance that we may never know how it all works?

@hostile-17: okay, that makes sense. There's just a lot of comments I've been reading that have been essentially saying to give up.