
Oh god we’re sleep training. Any tips or success stories? We’re doing straight up extinction because I don’t play.

Hello! Smug post.

Happy Saturday night, Jezzies!

So after a shit-ton of hemming and hawing and legal maneuvering, my abusive ex has agreed to consent to terminating his rights to my daughter so that my wonderful husband can adopt her. He’s going to be flying down here on Thursday (on my dime, ugh) in order to sign the paperwork. I’m also letting him see the kiddo

Happy Saturday Social, all! After several months away, I’m slowly coming back to the Jez community. I’d love to hear what everyone has been up to!

I love Adam Driver and the pictures I saw from the Silence movie made my jaw drop...I really hope he is okay after losing and gaining back so much weight. I have read articles about actors having health troubles after losing and gaining weight for roles.

Separation update! For those of you watching at home, over the past 6 months, I’ve thought my partner was depressed, then he drove our car while drunk several times, then he vaguely hinted that he wanted to break up, and finally a couple weeks ago I overheard him on the phone in the middle of the night, having a fight

You know who else was a victim of domestic violence? The guy who got his dick cut off.

I love makeup. I am horrible at applying it in any fancy way. Some days I wear some, some days I don’t. I don’t care if another woman or man wears it. Though I’ve noticed if a guy is rocking makeup, he always has skills I completely envy.


This is kind of an ancillary point, but can we all just agree that weddings are often if not always super-stressful because friend and family tensions are brought to the surface? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, if I had it to do over, I’d go to City Hall. The marriage is great, but I regret the wedding.

My fear for Anxiety Monster is that her “friend” will not let her get off with such a simple email. If she’s truly a drama queen, she’ll rage at her on social media and be ruthless when talking about her to their mutual friends.

Anxiety Monster: this woman is not your friend. She is your abuser. It is OK and normal for you to feel love for her, because that is what abusers do; they exploit the good impulses of their victims (that’s you). Otherwise, they wouldn’t have anyone to abuse. You wouldn’t stick around for it.

If you refer to a black person as an “ape” there is no way in HELL you are not being racist. I’m sorry. This is not a case of “you misread my comment thooo.” It’s blatant racism.

Today I took a spa day. Spent $400+ on a facial, massage, manicure, and pedicure. Went with a child free friend and got sushi after. Husband packed some bottles of breastmilk and the baby and went to a science museum and hiking in some local parks. Life is still good sometimes.

Your boyfriend is being a reductionist shitbird. You have two options:

:: Dream Analysis Thread ::


I just can’t with how anyone cares about fucking ceviche** right now while a rotten congealed cheddar block is circling the white house and ushering his cheetoling army toward it. How has any taxpayer money been spent on bringing this lady to “justice”? Why is this world!? How are logic?

Hello! Long time reader but I created an account today because I really need some advice from liberal-minded folks. I want to assess if I reacted the right way to a racist situation, and get opinions on the best way to respond to racist comments. I am an American woman and my ethnicity is Korean. I live in Germany and