
Jackie Aina, Alissa Ashley, Destiny Godley are my top WOC for YouTube beauty channels. They helped me understand how to manipulate makeup if needed when it comes to deeper skin. All young black girls should watch them! Especially Jackie Aina!

I didn’t expect it either! Being a mom is awesome but maaaaan the feeeels. My kid is almost 3 and I’m still emotional hahaha.

You’re not crazy. Shit’s rough after baby is born. My son was my mom’s first grandkid and she drove me BATSHIT because she stayed with us the first week after he was born. I had to call my dad and tell him to get her because I couldn’t stand her. Hormones (especially after a baby) fuck all your emotions up. Even got

I have no personal experience with it. BUT my best friend found her husband on plenty of fish! They're going on 3 years and they're just the best together!

I'm so sorry. You deserve so much more. That guy is a total pig and obviously a coward. You'll be okay. *hugs

Yeah, you’re right.

I miss living in Arizona. :( Mexican food is my jam and it’s hard to find decent Mexican /Tex-mex here in Hawaii. There’s absolutely nothing D: I’ve resorted to having Mexican food nights to comfort myself LOL I’m a freaking pro at guacamole, salsa, and ceviche. And my enchiladas are the shit, now!

Seriously, all the warmness of the palette sucked me in. I’m so glad I picked it up.

So glad it worked for you! My mother in law has problems with her hip and I picked up a turmeric ginger supplement hoping it would help her out. Sounds really promising now!

Saw that palette on sale and considered it. But then I thought... It’s on sale already? That seems weird. So thank you. I’m glad I stopped myself on that one. I got the new Anastasia one instead and GEEEZ it’s great.

Sorry to hear about the health problems :( I hope everything turns out well.

Just read that you do use a clay mask. I can't read sorry lol

Oily brown skin girl here! Have you tried activated charcoal or some form of charcoal soap?

Stephanie Nicole! She’s amazing all around with her reviews. I posted her video in another comment.

Now playing

Some of his past racist comments have come to light recently. And the way he’s been speaking to people in general is just atrocious. And from what Kat is saying, her friend drew up jeffree’s art and stuff for his packaging, but Jeffree never paid him for his work. This video pretty much says it all. It’s long, but

#allheartsmatter, ya walnut.

The Kat Von D VS Jeffree Star debacle is waaaay more exciting than this. -_-

You’re not crazy! Haha I went to a party with a friend years back and it was all white people. Said friend is Filipina and white but just looks white. I’m black and Filipina. Got plenty of stares and people grabbing at my hair. Left within half an hour. It was absolutely terrible.

That's awesome! My son loves music and has been expressing an interest in drums! Definitely considering it

Thanks! That's the second suggestion for Guinea pig so I'll be reading about them for the next hour now!