
That was our first choice and I might come back around to it! Thanks for the suggestion

Don’t worry. Deciding against it! I’ve been reading up on it for the last hour and it’s clearly not the best choice.

Thanks for letting me know of that issue. Definitely thinking of waiting on it now. We’ll probably come up with something else for the little dude

Ahhh I did not know that! Well then. We’ll probably hold off on that for awhile then!

Rough week because of all the current events. It sucks when a really good friend of yours can’t understand your fears.

I would have his children. And my boyfriend knows it too. I've been waiting for this since it was announced. Definitely can't wait!

He's a musical kid, so this is an awesome suggestion! Thank you!

Hahahaha I did the same thing! I was swearing I wouldn’t end up bribing him, but I gave in today. I pulled the “if you poop in your potty, I’ll have daddy get you ice cream on his way home!” He looked at me like I was bonkers “no thank you mama, no ice cream okay?” Whaaaaat the fuuuuuuuuck!

Seriously. I keep seeing that damn article pop up on Facebook where it’s like “I FULLY POTTY TRAINED MY KID IN 3 DAYS. HERE’S HOW!!” Like, no. Fuck you, article. When you've got a headstrong toddler, it's just a constant battle.

You deserve so much more. The fact that you've brought these issues up and there has been no sign of change is a huge red flag. I'm sorry you're dealing with this, but it's time for you to make yourself happy. *hugs

Yeah, he’s the same way. He’ll ask for a diaper when he knows. So I’m thankful that he understands the feeling of it! Just trying to make him more comfortable. Definitely glad he isn’t a poop thrower like a few of my friends’ kids. *shudders

That is genius! Thank you. When he does go in a diaper he only does it by the door where no one can see him or he goes into his little tent. That sounds like it would totally work for him! Thank you!

Beaches are way too crowded that I wouldn’t even be able to deal with it. Especially with a 3 year old on my leg.

And Ryan Phillipe’s butt.

AHHH I see what you’re saying! (Sorry, mom brain!)

You had to fucking go there didn’t you?! D:

the balm is definitely all over with their packaging! But I don't know, I think that's how they get me! I would go into a Sephora and swatch the shit out of everything(if you haven't) but I know for a fact that everyone needs the ABH palette because HELLO THOSE COLORS!

I would go with The Balm but I’m biased lol. I love The Balm(eyeshadow and highlighter quality is GOREGINA) and I only own a lipstick from Tarte. That ABH one is screaming my name though!

I was more so hoping that someone else would take the gun and do it. I definitely don't like Daya as much as I used to, but you're right. Wouldn't make sense for her to have a life sentence. I just want Humps to disappear. He just needs to fuck off and die. Seeing Crazy Eyes so broken after that fight was so

Did we just become best friends?