
You can’t directly stop him. But you can do your part in fighting the culture that enables people like him. Some concrete suggestions:

Good luck getting Jezebel to ever address that. They initially wrote very little about it and when they do address the issue of where the assailants come from, it’s to say the right wing is using it to fuel xenophobia. Because apparently it's impossible to say anything about the fact that these men come from countries


Suspicions of some mass cover-up were fanned by conservative outlets that referenced the well-worn racist narrative of dark-skinned men abusing white women.

Yes, I have seen the warmonger attacks on Hillary- conveniently forgetting who was President at the start of the Iraq war (GW Bush), or who else voted for high ticket defense items for the Iraq war- as long as they were built in Vermont (Sanders). She also gets tagged for Kissinger’s push for the Vietnam war- even

I actually thought her discussion of weed was pretty brilliant. There are, in fact, pretty intense repercussions to taking a Schedule 1 drug from banned to legalized at the federal level in one fell swoop. Dropping it down to a much lower schedule, supporting states as they legalize individually, and then keeping a

20 more years and we will have Malia as president so we still have hope.

Being caught admitting Hillary Clinton can be funny and cool under pressure is just so unhip, apparently.

I know, right? She’s not funny and spontaneous enough. We need a President with improv comedy skills. But then again, she doesn’t have enough gravitas, what with all that trying to please everybody. Makes it hard to take her seriously.

Tracy Morgan still needs to raise.... his wife?

OK THO - my partner and a few of our close mutual friends have film degrees and Y’ALL ARE NEVER ALLOWED TO PICK AGAIN, if you’re anything like them. I can intellectually appreciate that Kurosawa or Tarkovsky or whoever are critical geniuses and masters of their craft....but like, there’s a time and a place for that. I

Yup, yup, yuppers. Even if my hypothetical mid-teenage daughter was physically, intellectually, and (apparently) emotionally mature far beyond her years, I would totally old-school forbid her to have anything to do with someone in their twenties — because that someone would, by definition, be a fucking scumbag.

Yeah, no. A 15 year old who “seems” older, or “acts” older is still not, in fact, older. They’re still a 15 year old without the maturity or life experience necessary to make it appropriate for a grown ass dude to be dating them. I can’t think of any situation in which it would justifiable for a 24 year old person to

My eyes just rolled so hard they fell out of my head and now I am blind.

Well he isn’t being catcalled by a 6'5 400lbs of muscle man named Cletus.

Lol how accurate is this? Sexuality isn't like checking off a race box. It is something most people are still too scared to admit. So perhaps 4% openly identify but there are more. I am gay as sin and I do not remember taking a poll.

Because he wants to fuck her, that’s why. He cannot abide the fact that she sees right through all of his bullshit and isn’t at all swayed by his money or his sweaty orange face. He wants to fuck her and she’s all “HARD PASS, LOL.” Trump cannot handle it, and copes by calling her “crazy” and “sick.”

That wasn’t so much “standing up for her”, as it was “hoping for a ratings bonanza shit-show” that he eventually denied them.

Fox News standing up for Megyn Kelly now is like three months late. I wonder if they feel they can be belligerent because Trump had another debate canceled and those are big money makers for the networks.