
pretty sure this is the first and only time donald trump will demand that anyone focuses on someone other than him

Our children will also never see a live minstel show, or bear-baiting, or a cockfight.

And the best part about her is that she knows it. Jennifer Lawrence actually called it, too. I remember an interview awhile back where she said, “Yeah the love will last until everyone gets sick of me.” And this just doesn’t happen with male actors.

Coming up to start conversations is so very different from catcalling. If people come up to start conversations with you, that’s flirting, not catcalling. Flirting is normal and the way people used to meet before Tinder. If you’re not interested, you politely decline. That’s all. You’re not being accosted with

Yeah, it’s not like the “take a penny, leave a penny” tray at 7-11.

I’m going to call my dad tonight and thank him for never belly aching over my how sister and I weren’t good enough because we weren't boys. This guy is an asshole and his ex is no prize either. Those poor kids.

His daughters must feel so wanted and loved.

It’s degrading to either gender but to women, it reinforces what society already tells us, that our looks matter above everything else, whereas with men, it’s a random asshole who makes them frown for an hour or so. It’s not a double standard, it’s an unfortunate situation for both genders, but with different levels

... get help, please.

I don’t care about the “appropriation”. In the 70s, the mood was definitely “wear everything”. Nobody Black gave a shit when White people got perms and did Afros. It was all good.

It’s scary, and makes me wonder about those surveys of preferred potential partners if men had a choice, their usually like 20 something women aren’t they?

I am so tired of defending myself to you and everyone else in this thread. I am not saying that most men do this. I’m not saying that the behavior in question is normal or healthy. I never accused you or any other man who is sharing his outrage in this thread of being a child sexual abuser. I’m just saying that the

I don’t know if I can fully agree with you. There are opposing societal forces at play: objectification and sexualization of all women (and girls) evident, at the same time, men and particularly fathers refuse to acknowledge the humanity and personhood of their daughters and deny that they have healthy, sexual,

Nope. Wrong. Pretending that groups occupy equal positions in society leads to bullshit like “reverse racism,” “you can’t fight hate with hate” (aimed at policing and silencing the victims of oppression) and the idea that a supreme court with more women than men would be in inherently sexist.

I feel like people like this, scum of the earth who cant even empathize for the pain he has caused his own daughter... These sociopaths who have no hope of being rehabilitated, THESE are the people that should be executed. They are useless to society and the world is a bad place for having them in it...

But don’t try to tell me that “normal” men don’t ever look at their daughters and think of them as sexual beings, or possible sexual partners.

I’ve always had a theory that beautiful people don’t have to try very hard to be included. So they don’t cultivate the parts of their personality like the ability to be funny, interesting, etc. Of course I have nothing to back this up.

he honestly has so little presence that the blue mat in the background draws me in more

That’s not a double standard, unless people that are against catcalling are fine with it when women do it. When have you ever heard people standing up for the [largely imaginary] women that catcall? This is what’s known in the biz as a “strawman argument.”

“I made a joke about dating, and then AMY made a joke about dating!! THEN I made a joke about boobs, and of course Amy went and made a boob-joke too! Then I did this whole bit where it would be surprising that I was being crass because I am a girl, you know? Guess what! AMY went and did that too! And Amy NEVER steals