
stockholm syndrome/lima syndrome probably...and countless abductions by a talking meowth and team rocket

but is it roo-mi or rum-e?

“Good morning sir, can i take your order?”. “yooo, that’s so disrespectful, only my friends call me sir, you call me Mr. Carter”. anyway i guess i

It’s only been like what? two or three meetings? the first one when that man was first elected, so individual customary meetings, and this one about the state of several technical things regarding america, and one more.I believe each lasting about an hour or so? ...It is equally naive to think a man who made a career

It wouldn’t make as lasting a statement you’d think because it doesn’t work that way. It is honestly a very tough decision to make, which is why i think opinion pieces like this article, do more harm than good. At the end of the day whether you attended or not you’re still actively working with the person you hate so

Skipping out would be MORE effective because it would make President Trump look stupid, like he has no friends.

That would only discredit his own wouldn’t discredit the people who advised him not to do whatever it was.Regardless of what he says, or how he says it.
And think about what this meeting is about; cyber security, technical education in schools, and modernizing America’s derelict systems. Whether they attended

it’s okay guys, nothing to see here,...we’re just testing some new features.Just a viking burial,your move volvo!

not gonna lie,but that’s what i want it to be like. On another note Ubisoft had some really solid games like if they want me to spend my money on all their games lol.

literally probably

He used a water cannon, and in the new super mario odyssey he takes control of the bullets. But based on what I’ve seen it more like a portal gun than a gun, gun.This is basically super mario-portal-xcom-rabbids. and I’m 100% okay with that :)

You are overestimating the cost, and Underestimating the market. Remember if this only appealed to 1% of all( for this particular arguments sake ps4) that’s 530,000 consoles that would recoup any money it cost sony to develop an emulator and still make a profit. They already have access to the sdk which would have run

One thing every one is seriously overthinking is the cost to ‘develop’ such software is drastically down if you a)already have said software that runs on another system(and they do, and the system is called the windows) and b) have access to the source code/the bios/drm software. The only thing that would be incurring

That’s only because it’s simpler to do. An dapter would have to do two things, generate code from an existing executable file on whatever medium it you own(for the sake of simplicity lets say cd) and then repackage it to a modern executable type compatible with your machine.Not unrealistic because theses companies

idk, pipe dream sounds like a underestimation, the ROI would be entirely dependent on the method they choose to implement it.

Have fun in Haiti!

I think you’re mistaken; I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but the US has two things, and two things only: the world’s largest military and the world’s highest-quality products.

it takes great courage to do so!

You can also thank the auto industry bail out for that. Elon/Tesla do not have any obligation to the government( and IMO tax incentives to buy electric cars did more harm to tesla, than it did to the auto industry if you look at the bigger picture). Tech companies are probably the last truly competitive industry in

I can’t speak for Canadians, but being from another british colony. Lay bys aren’t intended for permanent parking, and usually only intended for use other vehicles such as buses so they don’t interfere with the regular flow of traffic.So i always thought(for the americans) that it was more akin to parking in front of