Have just reveived my rejection for the European version. Oh well, so much about financial freedom right?
Have just reveived my rejection for the European version. Oh well, so much about financial freedom right?
I’ve known her ever since I was little boy - my father used to work for her as a salesman for Opel..later on they went to drive the Rallye Monte-Carlo as driver and co-driver.
Strangely, European customers (or just the ones not being rejected yet..?) got a different reply that includes some statements about certification approvals of the 2021 and 2022 production.
After driving an Mk I Elise for about 8 years during my university studies I still long for those days in my twens when my life was waaaay less “responsible” - all I cared about were chicks and my car...;o)
Hi Doug,
Let me tell you about my 1M - ordered it brand new without ever having driven one and picked it up half a year later in Munich. Even paid close to 10k under MRSP because BMW just like any other manufacturer in Germany hands out at least 15 % off to customers who work for the journalism industry. You have to sign a…