I would like this post un-grayed by Thursday!
I would like this post un-grayed by Thursday!
“NFL Football: The unwatchable sport.”
+1 common sense
Hell yes! This is heroism. This is patriotism. Congrats to Reid on sticking to his beliefs!
Is that Perry Saturn??
Man, just watched the “Assault in the Ring” documentary mentioned in the article. Extremely powerful story, I’d recommend it to anyone who hasn’t seen it.
Part of being successful is doing something that is on the fringe of acceptability, and when an opponent does something resembling what you’ve done, you protest in a public display of indignation. Just ask the republicans.
Yeah, this helps to cement the image of the Philly Fan as it’s complete own species of insufferable idiot. Not necessarily the worst, but definitely a unique brand of maddening nonsensical crybaby on the verge of booing their beloved team at any minute.
Johnnie Walker Black is Not $1k.
“I eat stickers all the time, dude!"
I’m so glad I don’t watch this sport.
Specifically Epoissess
C'mon man, this is the ravens. It's gotta be stabbing.
I can get behind this.
I cannot speak as to why a particular person, let alone women in general, might leave their tabs open for weeks at a time, but I can speak to my own experience in that the only reason I close my tabs with regularity as soon as I am done with them is to improve the functionality of my computer. That’s it. It does not…
Hindsight is 50/50 sounds like something Yogi Berra would say had he spent his childhood eating paint chips and punching himself in the back of the head with a brick.
Sometimes I wish that kinja had sad reacts.
Yeah, I do not understand how anyone can possibly believe this trash.
So the disincentive for taking steroids is....?
So if I specifically ask to be ungrayed they might? Looks like it worked for you.