
I want to see a Formula 1 car with a NASCAR V8...

yeah, I just don't get why they didn't give us that... why did we get concave/convex purple/lavender buttons? I remember playing the Super Famicom before the SNES came out way back in the day and it had that awesome controller. when our system came out, it was so janky looking.

I hated the all purple buttons on the SNES... I never understood why they didn't give us some color.

I'm a keyboard junkie. At my PC at home I have 3 choices:

I enter my Year of birth, just in case they're trying to get some age demographics.. but I never use the day and date...

Here's the advertisement they used to run in VWs and Porsches (now european car)

yes, there were alternate weights that would start the advance earlier or later. I believe 10 degrees either way was the maximum though. 7/3 was the most common one.

WAY back in the day, this guy came up with a "DIY" Variable cam gear for VW watercooled engines. It was called the Franco Automatic Cam gear


How did they handle Lance K then?

I still don't know...

oh, bummer. I don't have a PS3.

ah yes, that Ghibli video game. I want that.

Oh ok, so fanservice isn't like specifically something that relates to a license. Things like customizing your characters appearance to a minute detail is considered fanservice?

I do not own a 'modern' handheld. My brother gave me a Nintendo DS that collects dust more or less, unless I feel the urge to play the old Super Mario games from GBA on it. None of the games on the 3DS or PSP enticed me to want to carry another device (and it's associated cartridges) with me.

I don't even understand what 'fanservice' is as applied to videogames... could you explain it in relation to a game like X-wing Alliance?

Spidey can't shoot the J... bench him.

you spelled "hideous" wrong.

I was surprised to see a Western game like Far Cry 3 on the list. Maybe I'll give it a try.

I'll still play Street Fighter and Virtua Fighter... but I can't remember the last truly 'Japanese' game I've played. And by Japanese, I don't necessarily mean made in Japan... I mean Japanese-style. And by that, I mean games like Devil May Cry or Killer 7 or pretty much every Final Fantasy or RPG since FF7 and