who is this mysterious Chapel976... we may never know... except for all those people who know exactly who I am.
who is this mysterious Chapel976... we may never know... except for all those people who know exactly who I am.
Ryu is white toast with butter.
wait, no... 7... the one with Cloud.
9... because I played it... this new commenting system sucks a mean dick
I emailed Tips... feel free to ask me anything in regards to this car and this scumbag seller.
he'll make a KILLING selling it at $45k... he bought it for less than $9000 with the engine swap already done.
Vlad hires her to push all the cars he sells. You may remember he was selling a Dekra replica E30 M3 and an E30 M3 convertible at one point.
I'll make it even easier: Here's the car with the original VIN when it was for sale in Canada: http://willz.ca/ED74525.htm
Here's the car before he bought it. note different VIN: http://willz.ca/ED74525.htm
Would something like the Kryptonite New York Chain and lock work? you mention the chain being important and the lock being the weak point, but what LOCK is most difficult to get through?
Also, this is NOT the only BMW E30 M3 Wagon in the world... check E30.de for about 50 more
Shame it's going to get crushed like 'Big Bird'. The VIN is an illegal swap. The VIN on this car is from a US 318i Sedan while the car's original VIN is WBAAG71040ED74525. I've known of this car since 2004. Here is the original listing with the original VIN: http://willz.ca/ED74525.htm
also, apparently I need to get a flag for it...
Less DubStep, more GasStep!
or: why Jalopnik needs to get Dave to write for them.
that one.
I need a new blog... back to The Car Lounge I guess.
My first true love. Actually, my FIRST PC was a VIC-20 hand me down when my brother got his C64. Luckily, he shared it with me and by the age of 4 I had written my first bit of code thanks to these little 'Learn Basic - Choose your own adventure' books/games that Radio Shack used to sell. I remember buying a Warp…