
F-15’s from 104th Fighter Wing, Barnes ANG Base, Westfield, MA

“Smart” terrorism, as practised by the IRA is what it is. You get all the benefits of a terrorist attack (which, despite what some would have you believe is not the damage it is the disruption) without having to utilize any assets. Just call in a few bomb threats, let the authorities got on with disrupting their own

That's exactly what I was thinking. Idle threats make no sense otherwise. They just delay an airliner and give them Fed a clue to your whereabouts.

If they are related incidents, could the purpose be to create more noise in the hopes that the actual devastating plan slips through? It’s easier to hide in a crowd.

Let’s hope this isn’t the case.

Chap, you make a good point. But, I think the problem isn’t so much as that the military is going to be stretched wafer thin if something happens in the South China Sea and the Ukraine at the same time, I don’t think the national leadership in the US would not get involved until its too late.