
Glad to see Porsche on form here. With Toyota and Audi having shown their competitiveness previously, here is hoping for a battle royale at LeMans. I am also excited about the new Nissan prototype even if this year may be part of the learning curve.

I don't know what has happened to Nico this year, but Lewis seems to have the upper hand and stamped his authority from the first race in Australia. Last year, Nico was off to a roaring start and seemed to have the edge in qualifying. Perhaps losing the WDC affected him adversely, but he seems to not be able to match

This is wedded bliss. North American airframe with British Rolls Royce Merlin, built of course by Packhard. I have had a love affair with this plane since the 1950s. Even though I have seen countless ones, I never tire of that Merlin starting up, taking off and making passes.

All this diatribe from a neanderthal typing moron? If this is all you have to do, then you have some serious issues. But, you can take your anger elsewhere. See, I don’t suffer fools gladly...

Yeah, so there. The Bieb is getting another car. Yawn.

Now playing

Imagine the impressive views we would have had if such a camera had been on Ayrton Senna's face? Or Schumacher? Or other legendary drivers? Best driver view ever for me was the movie "LeMans". To look at those steely eyes of Steve McQueen driving a Porsche 917 is about as good as it gets.

There is a OV10 Bronco at a small airport near to where I live. Every year, there is an airshow and it does flybys. They were much better as Forward Air Controllers than O1A Birddogs.

No, it is not a Griffon conversion. It is a P51 Mustang with a Merlin 61. Look at the belly scoop. Spitfires did not have that. And, look at the canopy. It had the framework type typical of planes before 1943. And, that propeller is definitely what the Mustang used. Griffon engined Spitfires did not come into service

I read about this on Autoblog, which beat you to the punch Stef. This is such great news. The crown jewel is LeMans, which Fox does a great job of covering. One year, Fox did the entire 24 hours when the Speed Channel was around. Last year, the coverage was really good. Being able to see the teams get ready for LeMans

There was also Torrey Pines in the San Diego area. Like Pebble Beach and Bridgehampton, it too was turned into a golf course. Land developers...

Car enthusiast and you liking autonomous cars? Holy Oxymoron Batman. Your poor, pathetic slob of a human being is the one who really is using the hyperbole, because if you think this is good for the masses, you are one, sick person.

Well, a Spit with a Merlin is another piece of heaven. You were one, very fortunate person to have seen this. BTW, the Mustang was a marriage of American and British cooperation. The British needed more fighters desperately and the only plane available that was even remotely close to what the needed was the P40

No love for Pebble Beach?

Someone mention Targa Florio? Someone mention Chaparral2F? I thought so...

LS engines have been done as well. But, you would have to agree with me that the 2JZ would sound so glorious and it would be stupid fast as well.

I am sure you are aware of Bob Sharp’s 240 Z as well as 260 Z that he raced in the 1970s. I saw them race in person a number of times and cannot tell you how incredible that 6 cylinder sounded.

How is this for a low flying Mustang?

Yes, for the later Zs, nothing compares to the Steve Millen driven Electramotive 300ZX. I didn’t reference that as I was referring to the Z31, not the Z32. But, it is a fabulous looking car, isn’t it?

I guess I was cool then because I was into the 300ZX back in the early 80s. I could have bought one, but I decided that going back to college was a better use of my money. Still, I have always wanted a Z and my heart goes pitter patter every time I see an original 240Z. As for the 300 ZX, I think Paul Newman’s IMSA

Stef, that 3.0 CSL did it for me. II have seen that car race and even after 40 years, it still tugs at my heart.