
You are cute when you are mad. I thought you would enjoy the Cadillac faithful saluting the ONLY CAR COMPANY IN THE WORLD. You are right, Cadillac is so filled with awesome. I wish I could buy one, but I am afraid I don’t have the class that you do. See, I am not so good at insulting people and being butt hurt all the

So true. So much hype and yet, so much disappointment. Saturn too started out hot, but the way it died was symptomatic of how GM was doing business at that time.

You nailed it. I so agree. It was a revolution of sorts and for a moment in time, Infiniti was THE brand to have.

I see. Ok, I cry uncle. Cadillac is the GREATEST company EVER. There, I said it to pacify your blood lust.

I gotta get down Chicago way and check out the North Shore. At our local Cars and Coffee, I have never seen one and can't think of a time when I have ever seen one on the road. Lots of clapped out Pontiacs though...

Ok, can you accept the fact that I am less than impressed by them? Since when has it been a crime to express one’s opinion? Look, I hope Cadillac does well as it is good for American car companies. I just feel that they have a long way to go to catch up to the competition. And, I am very concerned by the fact that

Given that I live so far from Southern California, I will probably never even see one in the flesh. There is something so wonderful about a brick of a design with wretched excess horsepower. I wonder how many the Kardashians will buy?

People today want to see cars in movies as transformer superheroes. This movie will be a hit if for no other reason than Paul Walker and his memory.

Um, you attacked me, not vice versa. It would seem that if I disagree with you, you get your panties all twisted in a knot. I never insulted YOU, but you did to me. Do you spell hypocrite with a capital H or lower case H?

I hope for Infiniti’s sake that this is not a case of too little and too late. When Infiniti debuted the FM platform and came out with the awesome G35 and FX vehicles, Infiniti rode the crest of a tidal wave of enthusiasm for its products. I myself bought a new 2003 black on black G35 sedan, which I absolutely loved.

Another Cadillac black shirted goosestepper. Sig Heil and all that. I am enjoying how butt hurt the Cadillac fanatics are reacting to this. Is this some kind of weird, wacko cult religion we are dealing with there. And, I love how you cannot make a comment without insults.

Oh, when he loses, he resorts to ad hominem attacks. Nice. If you can’t make your case, then hurl insults. Given your comments, you are being coy about your man love for Cadillac. If you don’t have a dog in the fight as you say, then you wouldn’t have responded the way you did. As I said, kettle meet pot...

Please don’t take offense to this, but you sound like a Cadillac salesperson who desperately wants more showroom traffic. The problem with Cadillac is that they are up against stiff competition from BMW, Mercedes and Lexus. Dodge on the other hand only really has Ford and GM to compete with and given that, the SRT

Exactly. Well said my friend.

Yes, the F&F franchise did use a plot to make super successful movies. And, as you said, it would have been nice if Scion could have done the same. I blame this mostly on Toyota, who seemed to treat the brand as a poor stepchild. If Toyota had had a greater vision of performance built into the Scion brand, I think it

I just don’t run into people wanting a Cadillac today for luxury. Lexus, BMW and Mercedes are all names I hear when people are looking for luxury status cars. I believe the perception of many people today is that Cadillac at one time was the standard of the world, but that belongs to a long lost generation. If you are

And kettle, meet pot. I would assume that you goosestep when you pass by a Cadillac...

I liked that Gen Camaro, but for me, the Concept was waay better, but that is just my opinion.

Kill it, kill it with fire, please!

Totally nailed it and hit it out of the park. So true and so funny!