
No, but I can see you have had one. Speaking of old men, your comments belie your elderly status. This is what comes to mind when I think of your posts:

Delusion is such a terrible thing.

Yes, I know me!

So says the old, fuddy duddy.

I get it. It is almost April Fool’s Day and your are toying with me.

I can see it now: All the cars are painted pink and sponsored by nail polish companies. All kidding aside, a separate formula for just women is asinine. If we are going to get more women involved in motorsports, we have to let them compete at the same level as men. They do it in NASCAR, drag racing and sports car


That's cold, but oh so true.

Targeting young people? That is hilarious. What do you do for an encore? Funny, but I just can’t see a bunch of guys in their 20s saying, “I really want a Cadillac”. My son is 23 and hates them, no loathes them. Even he says that Cadillac is out of step with most people. My son has a Mitsubishi Evo X that is built as

Nothing. I am just saying that I am surprised that someone out there has not reported it for some kind of child abuse. For me, I think it is pretty cool. Much better than having a door slammed shut, yanking a tooth out.

Oh, now the ad hominem attacks. Funny, but I picture you with a black hat, big stogie and a compass on the dash. Sorry, but Cadillac=stodginess. Speaking of inadequacies, how are yours doing?

A place that time forgot. I love it. If I remember correctly, the British used it in WW2 to monitor German U-boats. So cool that there are still places like this on earth.

Patrick definitely needs one of these in his every growing collection of cars. Park it next to the Honda S660 and Hellcat and Fiesta RS etc. I love the GT2 just because it personifies what a 911 should be.

Really? Now I have heard everything. Enthusiasts drive Cadillacs. I will have to make sure to check out all the adoring fans flocking to see a Cadillac at the next Cars and Coffee. Learn something new every day.

Oh, I care about cars. That is why I won’t own a Cadillac.

Hopefully, you are lithe and not packing extra avoirdupois. If you are, then yes, you could eat a Big Mac in one...

I have seen the future and it is now. It is also the end of cars as we know and love them.

Well, now I have seen everything. Using a Camaro SS to yank a tooth out. I am surprised the police haven’t visited the parents for abuse of their child. Whatever happened to the good old days when a small string was tied to a door know and the loose tooth, then shut?

Funny, you responded to me and you accuse me of trolling. In psychology, this is called projection. Projection is where one projects on another person the very things that he is guilty of. Just because I hate Cadillac doesn’t mean that I am wrong or that you are right. It is just my opinion. Perhaps you are

I suppose the only good thing that is happening out of all of this is that the Arabs are finally working together to try and stop a common enemy. Much better than having Americans doing the fighting.