
All is right in the universe again. Seb's move to Ferrari should be compared to Hamilton's move to Mercedes. Both were questioned, but both have shown they were the right thing to do. Glad to see the Scuderia back to winning races again.

I would say the same to you as well. If you have nothing constructive to say, why don't you just shut your trap?

Aw, I thought we had a modern version of alchemy going on here.

Buzz, you speak the truth, but sadly, we have a fifth column in America and you have read some of their comments here on this article. I get the biggest kick out of Leftist Liberals trying to hammer their message home even when the facts overwhelmingly prove them wrong. Keep up the good work Sir. I have your back!

Oh wow, you trotted out the insults. Like I am so scared and impressed. People these days...

Having watched motorsports since the mid 60s both on TV and at countless race tracks. I for one dislike street courses save for Monaco and Long Beach. If you can find video clips of the Caesar's Palace F1 race or the ones at Dallas or Detroit, you will see what I mean. I much prefer my racing be done at proper

Need I say anymore? You just don't get it, do you? I would just love to be able to meet you face to face and have you say what you have said to me. I feel safe to say that you would run and cower. Go back to the hole you crawled out of. Leftists Liberals, I tell you....

So stupid, I lay out the objective facts and you in your imbecilic way, can't refute them. I wish I could have pity on you, but you are too pathetic to even feel sorry for. Nice work, stupid dittohead.

Do you really believe that insipid crap that just came from you? If you do, I pity you.

I was at the very first Long Beach F1 GP in 1976. Quite exciting. We had our own version of Monaco. The problem with street circuits is the amount of carnage that often results, plus the reduced speed of the cars. The street circuit at Baltimore was about the worst thing I have seen since the F1 street race at

I read an interesting article today about how deep this conflict is as it goes back to the time of the death of the Prophet Mohammed and who would be the legitimate caliph. There were those who supported Mohammed's cousin Ali which would later create Shiite Islam and Abu Bakr, who was Mohammed's companion which

So stupid, you just can't use logic, can you? Imbecilic morons like you are why this country and the world are going to hell in a handbasket. You and your neo-Nazi like cronies have made this country into a second rate power. But, there are those of us who will fight the good fight and resist your ilk with all our

Dream on, dream on. I will help you out since thinking seems beyond your capacity you delusional asshole.

Thank you for sharing the wonderful stories about your grandfathers. Each time that mention is made of them, you keep the memory of them alive. When my dad passed away in 2011 at the age of 101, we had a military salute from the local VFW. The guys were from the Viet Nam era of which I was a part and one guy was from

What a horrible shame. Every time a driver or spectator is killed, those of us who love motorsports grieve together. The threat of a loss of life due to racing is something we always live with. My condolences to the individual who lost his life.

No, I can't believe it. NASCAR teams finding loopholes or exploiting the rules? Don't say it. NASCAR has always been about one team bending the rules better than others. Sometimes they get caught and sometimes not. Looks like Bill France Sr. is glaring from wherever he is right now and frowning on this .

Great post and one which I agree with wholeheartedly.

I am 62 and the son of a Navy veteran from WW2. When I was 3, my dad taught me about the various American warbirds of WW2. The B17 featured prominently in my mind and because it was a screen star in movies like 12 o'clock High as well as the War Lover and the TV version of 12 o'clock High, I became infatuated with the

God bless your grandfather. My dad was on a destroyer during WW2 in the Pacific. His ship was at Okinawa providing antiaircraft support for the carriers. This was the time of the kamikazes. Your dad and mine belong to the greatest generation. Keep the legacy of your grandfather alive because it is his generation that