
I am glad that you are a political conservative because only a conservative would say that. Hmm, let me think for a minute how much Obama has outdone Bush on the national debt. Oh snap, he is spending money like it grows on trees. Happy to see a conservative posting amongst all the Liberal Leftists on this site.

Actually, we are not doing better compared to Bush, not that I have anything good to say about him. If you think we are doing better, Sir, you are delusional. A lot less dying does not equate to a more stable world. Use some smarts and think for a minute where things will be in 5 years with this current

Hey stupid, your comment should have been directed towards Buzz, not me. I made no mention at all of F22s. Buzz also mentioned how Obama killed the F22. Look you fool, next time, take the time to read carefully before engaging your pathetic little brain. And, take a class in reading comprehension. Seriously, I cannot

Thank you. Our empty suit Prez is more interested in taking selfies and watching March Madness basketball games than in keeping America safe. Our military has greatly suffered under his watch and it will take years to rebuild it.

No, I am more worried about people buying them, then putting them away in storage as future collector cars. There are many modified cars out there with way more hp than the Hellcat and they seem to do just fine.

Daddy likes and I can now see a sublime green Challenger Hellcat in my driveway...

Should be "live a life" and not "lie a life".

Your words, not mine: "Because we were all waiting for the balloon to go up and get nuked. Might as well have a little fun while you could.". Sorry, but there is a difference between continued vigilance by the military and the rest of the general population. I am from the Viet Nam generation and I can tell you that

I love F104s. Some of you may remember Darryl Greenamyer and his Red Baron F104. This plane, pieced together from odd parts of various Starfighters , still holds the 3Km speed record even though the plane crashed in 1978 when testing to obliterate the world altitude record set by a Mig 25 Foxbat. Sadly, this was the

No we weren't. I was 10 during the Cuban Missile Crisis and never once had the least bit of concern, nor did my parents who were glued to the TV. Oh, in elementary school, we practiced the duck and cover. With presidents like Eisenhower and Kennedy, I was more like Alfred E. Neuman, "What, me worry?" I was no more

So much automotive perfection, so much automotive beauty and here I sit at a computer desk looking out at snow, gray skies and barren trees. Why does Mate get to lie a life of vivid colors while mine is monochromatic? I am now pondering the meaning of life...

The Toyota looks pretty dapper and fetching and with 1,000 hp, hopefully it can carry the fight all the way to the end with Audi and Porsche. This should be the best LeMans in years.


Top Gear without Jeremy Clarkson is like Superman with only Perry White, Lois Lane and Jimmie Olson and sans Superman himself. Won't work. Hope James and Richard bolt from the BBC as well.

This is rich. The constables are showing up in calico colored STis. Hopefully, Jeremy will be able to sort this out and then take Oisin to the local pub and quaff down many English ales!

Hopefully, we will see his name on the masthead at Jalopnik. Jeremy is controversial and often outrageous, but it is his continued finger poke in the eye of political correction that endears him to me. I see the BBC cutting off its nose to spite its face position to be terribly misguided. Jeremy Clarkson is Top Gear

Honestly, even if I was super rich and had a garage full of exotics, I would still have cars like a Fiesta ST or Focus ST. These cars are a load of fun and can be very entertaining.

Yawn. In other news, McDonald's adds a little more ketchup to their hamburgers. Toyota's slogan is "Let's go places". Well, they won't go far with this farce.

When I see cops themselves speeding, postal trucks speeding, Fed Ex and UPS trucks speeding and even garbage trucks for that matter and never getting pulled over, I think it safe to say that there are two sets of standards. One is for those mentioned and the other is for the rest of us. I am sorry, but driving

Best post of the day! 5 stars, a good cigar and a fine wine for you!