
True that. Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds, or so the USPS says. So yes, rain, sleet, snow, blazing sun are all fair game for racing.

Are you daft man? What are you talking about? I believe this is a case of mistaken identity. The comments made about the smaller wheels was by the author-Wes Siler. I recounted my own desert story that made no mention of smaller wheels. The VW Beetle already had small wheels and narrow tires. Reading comprehension is

I like the idea of a spec LLV series. Then we could learn who could really "haul the mail"!

At least it only took you 5 years to wish you had listened to mom. At least you made something of yourself. After 10 years of playing and working low paying jobs, I finally got some smarts and went to college and became a teacher, which I suppose to some, is just another way of wasting your time, but I digress.

I should have listened to mom. Mom told me in 1970 upon graduation from high school to go to Control Data computer school and learn to work with computers. But no, I had to do it my way, which ended up wasting 10 years of my life having fun with cars and girls. Mom, I wish I had listened to you.

I have my own California desert story. It began in early of October of 1973 when my best friend and I decided to drive out to California to go to Laguna Seca to see a Can Am race there where Mark Donohue was driving the Turbo Panzer 917-30.

That seat. Did I mention, that seat. Just to make things clear, that SEAT! Oi vey...

Attending an off road race is on my to do list before I pass on from this world.

I thought the Mk IIIs looked great. They were contemporaries of the Acura Integra and VW Scirocco. I looked at all 3 before deciding to buy a 16v Scirocco in 1986.

I am just wondering if they ordered Big Macs and large fries along with extra large Cokes. Wouldn't it have been ironic if the radio had been on and Don McLean's "American Pie" song had been playing, complete with "Drove my Chevy to the Levee"?

I like the Focus ST. Have driven several of them. I have even seen the price get marked down on them to a reasonable level when they have languished on dealer lots. I had a chance to drive both a Focus ST and a Fiesta ST in anger on an autocross set up by Ford. It was called the ST Challenge. Got two hot laps in each

Pure asshattery right there. And, it is inexcusable. I wish I had a dollar for every time in my life I have seen these schmendricks parking in handicapped spots. Too bad a garbage truck could not have backed up into it.

My favorite Celica was the first gen. They were as proliferate as sand on the beach in Southern California in the 1970s. There was also the Celica that Dan Gurney's team raced in IMSA GTO in the late 1980s. And, who could forget the Celica Rally cars? I agree that the last iteration was a big let down even thought I

Jim raced this 1070 442 in the 1969 Baja 1000. Vic Hickey built it. At the time, it was so outrageous to see a car rather than dune buggy or truck racing in the Baja 1000. People like Parnelli Jones had a Ford Bronco nicknamed "Big Oly", which was more in keeping with what people were racing back then. Seeing a 442

Pretty neat to see the Wright Brothers Model B replicated for historical sake. When one takes a moment to reflect on the rapid development in aviation from the first Wright Brothers flight in 1903 at Kittyhawk North Carolina and then 66 years later Neil Armstrong landing on the moon, it demonstrated how rapidly

It is hard to know who to believe in this case. Both of them seem to be unbalanced. Kurt has had his issues over the year with his temper, but he seemed to get back on track in 2014. He seemed calmer and more relaxed. Then, this situation with his ex-girlfriend kind of stirred the pot again. I would hate to see Kurt

What I love about the WEC LMP1 class is the freedom of thought and innovation, unlike F1, which has insufferable, stifling rules. In a way, the WEC, reminds me of the Can Am series which was started on the premise of Formula Libre, or basically, anything goes. I love what Nissan has done. Unconventional, but forward

Now playing

I am not sure that any car can be "overpowered". With AMS getting 2,000 hp out of a GT-R with their Alpha Omega 20 package and Underground Racing getting the same power with the Lamborghini Gallardo package, 707 hp seems tame by comparison. Both cars that I mentioned are street driven and will be seen in March at

Really? Maybe you should check out Motor Trend. But, I am sure that you have tested one yourself on a road course and came to the conclusion that you did. Or, you are just another internet troll with an opinion.

Hey Stupid, nice to use isogesis and read things into my comments that I did not say. And, I assume you know jackshit about nothing. Don't get your panties so twisted in a knot.