
If all electric cars looked like a Shelby Cobra Daytona Coupe, I could really get with the program. And, the styling is gorgeous. Pete Brock designed the car because the FIA allowed a coupe body, which was more aerodynamic, on the Cobra chassis. Open cockpit cars were less aerodynamic and Appendix J allowed either a

I've watched GRand Prix a million times, but I never knew until now that Yves Montand's car was towed behind a GT 40. I knew a Ford GT was used in filming, but towing another car. Wonder what it feels like to be towed at 130 mph?

No, this had nothing to do with it.

Standard procedure for all prototypes, not just the GT 40. The seating had to do with European tracks with their preponderance of right turns.

I bought a new G 35 sedan in October of 2002. Black on black. Had an automatic because my wife couldn't drive a 6 speed. After a couple of years, I decided to improve on the performance. I had a Kinetix SSV intake manifold, Stillen CAI, Stillen cat back exhaust, HKS ignition and one heat range colder plugs in

Facetious? Ignorant? Given your comments, I assume you were looking in a mirror when you made them. And yes, Ted Turner was and still is a wacked out looney.

Thanks for the compliment. I am actually 62 years old. I was hoping that someone would respond to my comments. For one, I lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, far worse than any event since that time. We were on the precipice of war and watched as our navy blockaded Cuba and interdicted ships, our air force

This is actually happening more than people know. My son, who is a tech at a Dodge dealership, went to get gas in a 2015 Cherokee and on the way, the engine started on fire and the vehicle pretty much burned to the ground before the fire department arrived. A loose fuel line was the culprit.

Hmm, usually it is preppers and religious nuts that are crying that the sky is falling and the world is coming to an end. Guess Ted Turner needs to be lumped into one of those groups as well. I honestly cannot believe that this could have been taken seriously.

Yeah, the guy is a real knee slapper. Hilarious, hysterical, comical, amusing and witty. Sarcasm aside, the world needs comic relief from the guy. Something about having people killed with howitzer shells, his uncle being fed to hungry dogs, many people in concentration camps and rampant starvation that makes me want

A very classy and elegant man. His career was with Matra and BRM. Those were heady days. At Matra, he was a teammate at Tyrrell with Jackie Stewart. He also raced Matra sports cars. If you have not heard a Matra F1/sports car engine, you are missing something. It is the only engine that could make Ferrari jealous.

Those damn North Koreans...

Maybe he was playing hop scotch while drinking Scotch? There has to be a pun in the article title somewhere.

You just think that. Dear Glorious Leader actually has magical hands and arms that can grow in length and control the plane from where the co-pilot is sitting.

Actually, I didn't need an explanation. I am very much aware of the specific aerodynamic requirements of the LMP1 cars. I just thought that the historical perspective might be interesting. I guess I was wrong....

The question is not how, but when China will decree hegemony over much of the Pacific Rim. The Chinese have perfected the art of waiting, patiently waiting, for the moment when they can take advantage of weakness of any potential enemy. For the moment, their economic growth will not imperil relationships, but in

Look, I think we both agree that the new 911s are superb machines. As you said, the GT3 is amazing and the Turbo is supercar status. All I am saying is that by comparison, the new 911s look humongous next to the original ones.

Are you still at it? Gee, you really get desperate when you are losing, don't you? It is impossible to have a conversation with you because your mind is so small and petty. Think outside the box man. You are upset because I called you out and rightly so. Someone has to take on mental midgets like you who think they

Really? Wow, such intelligence. Yes, I would rather be stuck in traffic than to become an automaton. While you are at it, give me a break as well you lousy good for nothing.

We doan need no stinkin' self driving cars...