
Double post

@Old Grimey: That would be correct, but I mostly wanted to point out newer cars.

While it is easy to just assume that the desire to own a Bristol is similar to that desire to date that girl in high school that always had a boyfriend that did not deserve her, but really you wanted her because you could not have her.

@LazarusAmarynceus: MIT has a wind tunnel named after the Wrights, but it is not the Wright Brothers original tunnel. The original Wright tunnel was pretty small and is probably in a museum or destroyed.

@Tyson: CFD can be 100% accurate. It is very accurate if it is done correctly. The problem is doing it correctly. You just need to get every input into the CFD model correct and even experts get tripped up and some odd phenomenon messes with your results. That is why wind tunnels are used to verify CFD work.

@engineerd: The big advantage of this tunnel was the size, but it was also a weakness that most articles seem to miss. So the advantage was able to run larger models (or actual hardware depending on the size) and those bigger models cost more money. Not to mention that many times companies may test a model, look at

When I was a child walking to church on a sunday, every once in awhile one house would have its garage open and inside was the most unusual car I had ever seen. For years I would walk past and not know what that thing was. Now I know, thank you Jalopnik.

@Bumblebee: The very first designs of the shuttle had jet engines for flights inside the atmosphere. The requirement was dropped because of the weight and complexity issues.

@pinkshinyalan: I believe many mechanical superchargers have clutches to disengage when not needed to reduce the parasitic loss also.

That one member of the team that nobody talks to and insists on wearing only a speedo while on the bus to a meet, because he says it gets him in the zone, suddenly feels vindicated.

Let us look at the facts:

@pauljones: I like to believe he is referring to me. Although I am yet to comment on this thread, he is describing my comments.

You have to have some serious self confidence to think to yourself designing a front engined pushrod powered top level sports car prototype is a good idea in the 21st century. Not only that, but to be really the only car to beat the R8 in its prime and do it on a budget that was about equal to Audi's catering budget,

@stoke has a JDM front wing: Give the guy a break, it is easy to think of a scorpion as a snake, just look at one. All those legs, claws and stinging tail are very snakelike. How do you tell them apart?

@YankBoffin: I have a feeling that you are just scared that a man in a fedora would suddenly start whipping you to prevent you from bidding on this.

@comedian: Well it has a well established history of being flaming.

@Trundler: I assumed that this site would have some sort of comment filtering software to prevent people from posting indecent material, such as suggesting any car is superior to a corvair.

@UglyDuckCar: The Germans do deserve some credit, but not all of it. The allied radar was much much better. Our signals intelligence and code breaking was better. Atomic bombs. There is plenty on both sides, saying it was just the germans ignores an incredible amount.

@WhoistheWalrus: It not only has a different engine, but the hybrid system is totally different. The X6 is a full hybrid, but this is a mild hybrid.