
I seem to remember an ad attacking McCain for (his wife) owning foreign horseless carriages and saying it shows he is no good for Detroit. I guess most of this task force is bad for Detroit.

@Mad_Science: I believe the Tundra (and toyota minivans) are designed in Ann Arbor Michigan at Toyota's Engineering Center. Obviously some of the sub assemblies may be designed outside the US, but when Toyota was designing a car for the US market, they surprisingly had it designed by Americans.

@A strolling player can't find his avatar: The HPVO was not only working on fun stuff, but it was also very well run and had a great culture. Now they will be working on boring stuff, but would still be acceptable for a gear head, but the issue they are now going to be part of the the rest of GM. They are going back

"These are talented engineers who will add their expertise to the various teams they are joining and in return their souls will be crushed."

Who is on this panel? Is there anyone with experience of how cars are made or how they work, or anything even close?

@Van Sarockin: I agree and that is why GM does not want to go bankrupt, because management does not want to sacrifice anything either, even if it would allow them get what they want from the UAW.

@Van Sarockin: The "concessions" are a joke. Most of them only apply to new workers, and how many new workers do you think GM is hiring nowadays? Things like VEBA are not concessions, since the union is not giving up anything, just demanding a huge amount of money upfront from GM (now is probably the worst time for

@Mad_Science: Which is probably the where GM lucks out, but even then the top 10% are still going to find jobs if they really want to. They will probably have to move out of Detroit.

@SoK: Yes, that is why they are getting rid of the engineering division, because it was simply putting badges on things.

@DoctorNine: Its not even as complicated as thermodynamics, it is simply Newtons second law of motion. F=ma

If you are a competent engineer, what reason do you have to stay with GM or maybe even more importantly want to join GM? The past 5 years, while were good other places, probably caused a mass exodus of engineering talent. Now any fun project is going to canceled. It is not just the engineers working the performance

@sos10: I remember Carters great speech to congress where he stated:

@PetroSapien: Because anti-trust laws can not be used to divide a company that is too big to fail. Anti-Trust laws are used to go after monopolies, something that GM even at it largest was not.

@Saboth: They are allowed to form unions. In fact, I am in a professional union. The difference is most professional unions are not like these blue collar unions. Professional unions have silly things like performance based raises and lay-offs are not based on seniority. They tend to have a pretty reasonable

@Parramore64: Sure the V6 will be a boat compared to the 420hp V8 version, just like a aircraft carrier will make a 200ft yacht look like a boat.

@Christopher Carey: I assure you Dr. Brody, Dr. Jones. We have top men working on it right now.

@franzouse: It has become a pastime of some people to shoot at the fuselages on their way from witchita to renton. This is known because Boeing needs to repair the bullet holes when they get they receive them.

I am still trying to figure out if FSAE was the best thing I have ever done, or the worst. Sure you learn more than you will ever learn in school, but it destroys your grades, your friendships, your relationships, and your wallet. Not only that, but it leaves you with this feeling that nothing will ever be as great