I believe they both got them the same time in 2014, but Indy started showing pit deltas first. Blancpain/VLN are now using triple 7segs to show both PIC and the abbreviated driver name for whoever is doing the stint, which is better than IMSA’s current system of blue/purple lights on the door.
There’s nothing wrong with Acestream. Useful for the NAEC as well; there are some mirrored webstreams available on that subreddit as well.
From a fellow 6'2" oppo
You mean the Crosstrek
Rocket Rally Racing don’t seem to have any intention of withdrawing, so it’s not like L’Estage is out of a ride entirely. Here’s to hoping his privateer effort goes well though, especially with Leo & co on the stages.
Yep, the Marc II
It’s great when they come up to Canada since L’Estage has the road advantage over them in spades. The cars themselves are on another caliber though; it would be fun seeing how they would do in the production classes which are also popular between borders.
I’m fairly certain Supercars has already moved to it’s turbo V6 formula for 2018. FWIW, the other Mustang from an Australian motorsports shop is more interesting but the racing in Supercars never ceases to entertain.
Whodathunkit that white, black, and red would work well on an Indycar too!
Did you send them a nicely worded letter, like some redditors did?
Not that the ACO needs Porsche to tell them anyways, since for the past year or more they’ve already been working on new unified LMP1 for 2021/2022. While the initial years of battery vs capacitor based systems were interesting, the spiraling costs were what kept the grid so small (why did a class of three chassis…
Debatable. The underlying 919 still at least has some ties to the HY homologation it was initially based on. Going from the initial 80kg/h to even current the current F1 fuel flow limit of 100kg/h could be enough to offset the ICE-only bump. Similarly removing the 8MJ deployment limit per lap makes the most use of the…
As much as I love the GTS800, I would have loved to see them develop the GT1000+ further. Still plenty of time
Wasn’t that lap with full slicks on? Under ran his lap on semi slicks I believe.
Just a boop
Most races are 300 or 500km long.