
I'm sure the feminists are going to throw a fit for being called out for their harassment and slander of gamers. Good on Blizzard for denouncing those awful bigots.

If you were stupid enough to preorder a game then you don't deserve your money back. lol


This isn't Wind Waker.

Please go look up what paintball is. You sound like an idiot.

It's called lore. Please keep stupid comments to yourself.


By "one of those" you mean the type of person that doesn't think what they're told to think? Sad.

Please read the comics or don't make TWD references at all.

No sympathy since Microsoft is always fucking with other peoples games on other systems and screwing gamers over. The pieces of shit that support Xbox deserve every bit of this. Notice how the people that support MS are always saying that exclusive content and snatching up games that were supposed to be cross platform

Then learn to write.

People that don't have one yet would be my guess. It's an incredible system that all gamers should own.

Well Christianity is very evil and the willful stupidity you have to force on yourself to be part of religion is probably going to cause the extinction of humanity due to Christians being a way for businesses to manipulate the masses. So yes it is bad that they're trying to use everything to recruit people to their

Someone sounds defensive. lolol

And that's why everyone thinks you're stupid.

You, like most people on the Gawker sites, are an ignorant idiot.

STFU fanboy fanatic

Or they can play the superior FFXI. XIV is really bad, and getting worse as its popularity grows. Plus XIV does the FF bits wrong so it's only a FF game in name.

"Folks afraid of monthly subscriptions. Despite the MMORPG genere as a whole moving towards free-to-play payment models, Final Fantasy XIV stands firm by it's $14.95 monthly subscription plan."

"I'd suggest extending that to the entire internet as well."