
I’m pretty sure the Xbox One S performs the same as the original launch model Xbox One (which is what I have) and with that model I rarely have performance issues. Control, RE2/3/8 and Halo Infinite have all played just fine for me.

I use my launch Xbox One as a streaming device. Hard to believe it’s going on 10 years next year but it’s chugging along just fine. Combined with cloud gaming it’s still a usable system. 

As others have pointed out, Xbox One had a lousy PR rollout. And IMO adding $100 to the price for the (mandatory) Kinect was an unwise move. They should have had two SKUs for that; one for an XB1 and one for an XB1 w/Kinect.

It just seems... Unnecessary. The only two things they use to drag the One is that it had bad marketing at the beginning of the generation (which they course corrected on pretty damn fast), and because it maybe sounded like it struggles to play games that came out at the end of the life cycle, which always happens as

No kidding. The console that brought us GamePass “sucked”? This has been my primary gaming machine for the last 7 years. Between GamePass and Cloud Gaming, I’m in no hurry to update to the Series X.

Played Resident Evil 8 on the Xbox One X and experienced no problems. Have no idea where “Toward the end of its run, if you played a glossy AAA game, you could almost feel the thing wheezing under the pressure” came from.

Maybe you were trying to play on an original xbox?

Even having been lucky enough to get an XSX near launch, I still quite miss the Xbox One’s HDMI pass-through and the ability to use Kinect for voice controls. So take your “Xbox One sucked,” turn it sideways, and cram it in your kiester.