Here is my opinion on the Souls games "exploits":
Here is my opinion on the Souls games "exploits":
From what I've heard you only risk invasion when you summon other players to help.
I will happily buy a new plastic guitar to revisit this franchise. I loved all 3 games, but by the 3rd one the PS3 was showing its age as it would often crash between playlists because I had too many songs loaded. I just hope they put the inner frets a little higher up on the neck (if they have a different design). I…
In my intro to this list, "Not" should be "Note". Sorry about that. And thanks, Kinja, for not letting me edit comments after a few minutes! Typos immortalized!
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Is he gonna demand 30$ for that mod?
At first I thought I'd be OK with the whole armor matters after Lv20 because I was already used to games like Monster Hunter where your character doesn't level up at all and you need to find better armor/gear to take on stronger enemies. But between the extremely limited amount of armor sets available in Destiny and…
It was a mentality problem for sure. I've never played Megaman but just watching the video I was already picking up some patterns, noticing when it is the best time to jump, etc. Most of them just pressed on forwards without any strategy whatsoever >.>
Nobody read the manuals back then. At least not the for the parts about how to play the game. The best part of the manuals back then was just for the cool character or enemy art and bits of game story/lore they used to include.
I think that one guy is a fairly experienced gamer kid. To be fair, the games have manuals with them. That's why you should read them before playing.
That's pretty much the reaction to all of their videos. Just sadness and pity.
It's interesting that their default expectation is to have everything explained to them before they even started playing. I'm happy that the one kid who actually did a button check before moving over on the first screen at least got to the boss (and got a good pattern down before dying).
I would play the shit out of a 3DO port.
Ah Facing Worlds. From the first time I set foot on that map during the CTF portion of the UT99 campaign, I knew it was a special place. So much time also spent playing Face Classic in UT2K4 with everything from Instagib, to crazy player counts, to moon physics... just about every mutator I had downloaded I ran…
Yeah, I hate the Xbox One and was disgusted every time I had to type the console's name into this article. I mean, what the hell? The other day the Xbox One just straight up punched me in the face. I didn't even curse at it that day.
I thought the article would talk about the fact that it took 6 years to make.
Once upon a time, models used to dress up as Lara Croft. You probably remember that. And you might also recall a Ga…