I feel bad for Bobsplosion.
I feel bad for Bobsplosion.
S.D. Perry wrote some pretty good Resident Evil novels.
I've been the proud owner of V-Moda Shadow M80s for 2 years now and these things are still going strong. The sound quality is amazing, the lows, mids, and highs are audible and clear. I'm a metalhead, so I have these things cranked up to 11 all the time and I can hear every instrument. The build quality is supurb as…
I've been the proud owner of V-Moda Shadow M80s for 2 years now and these things are still going strong. The sound…
This week we’re talking about headphones, one of the largest, most diverse, hotly contested, and ubiquitous product…
Heh, well, I'm sure parts of it are... like the various metal fasteners that make things look like the Bat Mobile. Some of what you see there are actually just elaborate looking heatsyncs, which while the flourishes probably serve no purpose, having them there in general does.
I've never hallucinated verbal sound effects or phrases, but definitely have with other regular sound effects. Typically it'll happen while I'm consciously or subconsciously thinking about a music for a game or a specific experience I had. Or more commonly, if I decided to listen to my own music collection while…
This album was a bit of a letdown after some of his previous masterpieces, but the source material has gotten significantly worse with time. This song is definitely a standout, though!
Street Fighter article? Better link EVO 2004.
More Than A Game is a documentary that was a long time in the making. It chronicles the lead-up to (and events of)…
Send in Snake Plissken
I like it. Interesting choices. What I didn't like was the absence of:
Sure, examples off the top of my head... Shooters like Killzone, Black, Medal of Honor on the PS2 where you L1 was Aim, L2 was Crouch, and R1 was fire. Cleanly using those 3 buttons to crouch fire would be tricky with just index fingers. Action games like Splinter Cell, where you actually draw your gun with R2 and…
So are the L1/R1 inputs also triggers? And were the Dualshock 1 and 2 L2/R2 inputs also triggers?
The only wrong way to hold a controller...
The face buttons were never part of this discussion, so I don't understand why you keep bringing it up unless your point is that just because the thumb manages the face buttons, dpad, and analogs that only the index can manage the shoulder buttons too? I'm not saying you HAVE to have 2 fingers because there are 2…
You seem to think my definition of the grip involves the Middle finger being the primary finger. I feel like I'm on a loop, but I'll try to say this one more time: I AGREE WITH YOU... the index finger is primary finger used for just about everything from guns, to mice, to old controllers. The only time the middle…
I just don't understand your comparison and quite frankly am beginning to think you either don't understand this conversation either. A gun only has 1 trigger... 1 active input (not counting the manually using the hammer). No one in their right mind (unless they have an injured or disabled index) would use the middle…
Actually the index finger is usually a person strongest and most dextile finger outside the thumb. So there is a definitive reason...
There's no definitive reason why a should button or trigger has to be pushed by an index finger other than it conflicting with the ergonomics of the controller.
This couldn't be the furthest thing from the truth. The PlayStation controller has always had 4 shoulder buttons, and only with the DS3 did they begin to be known as "triggers". Not so much because of the extra springy throttle functionality provided compared to earlier DS controllers, but because the 360 controllers…