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I scratched my Mega Man FPS itch many years ago with a few nice mods, maps, sounds, and character skins for UT2K4.

Decided to face a raging mutant who throws rockets and all you brought was a pistol?

Nice. I've been on the fence about getting this on Steam for a while, but now I can not only finally enjoy the game but get some use out of my Vita!

A field of flowers with children laughing while puppies and kittens run and play together...

Same with that video...

Those eyes...

Looking around at the scenery is nice for brief moments as you are passing through, but to turn an action game into an glorified interactive nature gallery and claim it's an "open world" or "playground" is a bit farfetched.

Sight seeing DLC sounds about as interesting as Horse Armor.

I'm sure they'll make the rest up with all that upcoming MP DLC in the works.

I liked it, but at the same time I was hoping for more than just the characters portrayed in the movies. Marvel has such a diverse and eclectic selection of heroes and villains, I'm kinda sadden many people only know these handful (even if they may be the most iconic or marketable of the bunch).

Damn, that sounds too hardcore for me.

What's this game called again?

Even with a separate teams working on the SP and MP components, the experience can still be negatively affected post-release. Tomb Raider, for example, will not be receiving any new content for its excellent SP mode because the developers have decided to only create MP content like map-packs.

My interest with Borderlands 2 along with the new character, 2nd NG+, and the new level cap is already on life support. I would've only jumped on this buy with the preorder, but not knowing what I know now and having played all of it. The 2nd game just didn't leave me always wanting more like the 1st game did.

Hard to tell when games like Tomb Raider and God of War Ascension, historically single-player franchises, and other franchises which have more of a campaign focus like Far Cry 3 and Spec-Ops: The Line that include multiplayer experiences whose quality ranges from the abysmal to the mediocre at best.

Request #35186 "Bug found with new commenti..." created

You had me at "Blog View"! I seriously hated the recommended view and having to change any and every browser I had back to Blog View for each of the various Gawker sites I visit.

I didn't get this bug during my playthrough this past weekend. Just the occasional audio glitch (loud or repeating sfx), an aiming glitch (where I would get the cross hair on screen, but the camera would stay behind Lara), and at about 75% of the way into the game hitting L2 would show objects in Gold, but the

But she's asking for less "addictive" games while saying that she mostly plays multiplayer games. Some people are perfectly happy nursing a single game for several months, others prefer to broaden their horizons and play a little of everything out there.

It sounds like you are just wasting too much time on multiplayer games. Just set goals for games that are open-ended... whether by design or because of endless competitive/cooperative multiplayer game types. If you predetermine a goal, you can allow yourself to enjoy the game thoroughly and play a "sensible number of