
It helps if you look away and/or close your eyes and just enjoy the music.

The videos can be a bit distracting with the random swaying and awkward glances in all directions, but the music is damn good stuff.

After months of just renting games and playing everything that the Sony Game Sampler Vol. 2 (yes the one that came with the system) had to offer inside and out... I finally had a game I could call my own. Tomb Raider was the first game I owned for the PS1 and coincidentally it was around the time I also got a used

I wonder if the spores will be backwards compatible or if I'll have to neurologically re-teleport all my old PlayStation 8 gaming simulations?

Clever, edgy, and so funny! Sorry... not that clip from Girls, I was talking about this piece of lint I found on the floor. (Note: Image not exactly of same piece of lint, but close enough.)

Had there been even one female presenter during the Sony Conference, would that have been enough to nullify or lessen the emotion from either side of this conversation? Or would the conversation just have shifted to "Why did Sony only have ONE female presenter at their conference?" and this would have continued to

There were also no children on stage during the conference... What does Sony have against kids, anyway?

the preview looked nice, but i found the meows a bit distracting (granted, I only caught 2).

Having also grown up (hands and all) with the Dualshock, I personally prefer it and find the 360's controller too small. I've always been a 4 finger shoulder button user (indexes on L1/R1 and middles on L2/R2) and I can't do that comfortably with the 360's triggers and tiny bumpers. Plus, I prefer L1/R1 to shoot

I grew up with TMNT, but I don't think I ever grew out of them. Definitely one of my top 5 fictional series growing up, though admittedly it was entirely based off the 90s cartoon and plethora of action figures. I gotta look into finding out how many comics were made and assemble the collect digitally for mass

My thoughts exactly.

Aim acceleration (similar to mouse acceleration on PC) is when the cross hair movement speeds up the longer you tilt the analog in a direction. It's very annoying when you're trying to be precise and want consistency in your aiming. I think both Killzone 2 and 3 had it, but I think you could disable it in 3 (it's been

As long as there's no aim acceleration, I'm happy. I hate when acceleration is aim implemented in games without the ability to disable it.

That future looks pretty boring. They better at least have hoverboards.

That's just it... what CAN you do in it?! I'm all for sandbox games that give you tools to do what you want for the fun of it. But lets say, for example, you just bought the game... you install it and log in for the first time and looking to have some "fun" doing PvE or free roam stuff.... what exactly is there to do?

I never expected it to be an action-centric game or shooter-focused space sim, but if politics and capitalism are what this "game" are centered around, then I guess it makes sense why I never found the "game" interesting.

I still don't see the appeal of EVE. I had a roommate back in college who was into it, but aside from the expansive area to travel between, there wasn't anything else that seemed very impressive or interesting. Since then, all I usually hear about when EVE is brought up in news is how fucked up the in-game economy is.

Good stuff, I completely agree.

I justed tried this out last night for the first time, and while there's a paid version, the free version works like a charm on my Gnex and N7.

Instantly bought. I loved playing it on Steam, now I can play it on the go from my GNex or N7! The morning commute to work just got more interesting!