
Windup Knight is a solid and challenging platformer, a great looking game, and best of all it's completely free for those who want the challenge and inexpensive for those who want to drop a few on items or to unlock chapters. I'm surprised its not on here.

Good article, though sorry you had to go through that. As a longtime gamer I understand and respect your decision. There's plenty of other games/genres to play and enjoy anyway!

Aside from a few cases where beta access or dlc giveaways were involved (Killzone 3, Dust 514, etc), I haven't really sat down to intentionally use (play?) Home since its first year beginning from the closed beta.

Great story, read it in my mind with the voice of Abe Simpson.

I initially just wanted to create a handle/tag/ID/etc that was different from any of my email addresses at the time. Shortly thereafter, I decided to create a 'master handle' that while being a reflection of myself in some way was also original enough that I wouldn't see many (if any) variations of it floating around

That zombie's got armor!... I WANT ARMOR!!!

Disclaimer: Everything below is just my own interpretation/understanding of zombies and infected derived from all the games and movies I've played/watched over the years. While it's all science-fiction, I like to try to think about it as close to reality/science as possible rather than see it all as some sort of magic

That's just it... a rifle spamming Radec's strategy is based on other players battling without him. He takes advantage of the chaos and gets free shots in unopposed because he keeps the battle away from himself. Its when you see this type of gameplay that you have to act quickly. You can easily time and evade or block

Stopping the time for the activation animation? Parappa's entire special IS an animation! And then what, once the clock hits zero, the move is just cut short? That would only work with level 1 and 2 specials, but not 3s. Cutting level 3s short makes about as little sense as letting multiple players activate their

The rifle shot is really easy to avoid, and it has a long delay. Put enough pressure on the rifle spammers and they will have to rely on Radec's other moves to prove if they are any good at all. My biggest peeve as a Radec player is that whenever there's another Radec, the other usually keeps distance and spams rifle

That's called a strategy. It takes longer to build up to a level 3 in 1 solid round then to spam a few level 1s or 2s and hope you hit more than 1-2 people. You either beat on the guy who is building up (using throws to take some of his bar away) or kill him repeatedly so his level 3 is used to make up points lost

If it took more than one shot, you weren't using a Jakobs!

I found this video to be both as well, so thanks for agreeing with me!

Rage Francis is to Video Games what Lewis Black is to Politics...

While I probably wouldn't have ever heard of Cage the Elephant if it weren't for Borderlands, I'm glad I did. Their self-titled album was actually pretty good.

Hmmm... well damn! Yeah, the last time I played the PC version was well before Advent Children came out. I just wonder how well that translates to the rest of the game. It's kind of odd having high-res models on the lowest of low res environments.

The original PC version (can't remember if it was the US or International release) did have an fan-made "HD" mod I believe. But yeah, it was pretty limited as character models couldn't really be changed within the game's engine.

Achievement: Performed a Summon

I feel bad for this kid when next year he gets traded in for a slightly smaller, lighter boy.

I didn't even realize I typed TF2... my mistake. TS2, or TimeSplitters 2, is obviously what I meant.