
That’s an odd reaction for something like this. The guy lived, he gave us great music, and he died like people do. Why ‘Fuck Everything’? Life goes on. We remember those who died and the great things they brought us. It isn’t a horrible thing.

The possessed bulldozer is super Stephen King, and it’s amazing. Quiet, you!

Alice Wake.

I did a take on this comment.

Directors aren’t in charge of how deep a movie is. Writers are.

“I’m also upset that Hollywood continues to give Timur Bekmambetov work, because he is a bad director. He has just enough skill to put a veneer of artistry on his films, but under it are action films as terribly shallow and thoughtless as anything Michael Bay has made.”

Agreed. It’s unfortunate that they have to force stuff like this to fill some sort of quota of progressiveness. We need some buddies in the new SW, Han and Chewie are buddies, and no one shipped them. Does everyone have to pair up? Especially after there were some strong hints that Finn likes Rey, even if they weren’t

I don’t see it. Poe wasn’t flirting. People are misreading body language, I suspect because they can’t help but sexualize nonsexual things. It’s sort of a sign of the times where two guy characters can’t pal around and have people question their sexuality.

The issue with The Force Awakens was it was a smart movie, and people weren’t expecting it to be as smart and layered as it was, so they passed it off as dumb. Yes, it contains story beats and elements of A New Hope, but it was meant to. It isn’t an issue, it’s a feature. We have a desert planet, but there’s a reason

I just think it’s funny that people are surprised that an older man is revealing that he has the perspective of most people his age. I mean seriously, he’s 55. He grew up in a time where Reefer Madness was taken seriously, where Dungeons and Dragons was seen as devil worship, and homosexuals were often lumped in with