
I’m not seeing the option to scan anything in Google drive. Is it in the beta only maybe?

Looks like I’m the only one who appreciated the Overcooked pun.

How could you play Pokémon Go on the Switch since it has no camera?

Damn... Those White Walker ones are 🔥! 

There's states that require a permit to keep the gun in your house? That's different. 

Your comment is still here and it worked perfectly... Thanks!

Shit... So that’s what it takes?! And here I was trying to be nice. What an idiot I am. 

I'd like to know how it got all those likes too.

Because they weren’t going to send out the canvas bags at all. They’re only doing this due to all the uproar. That’s why everyone still has to submit a ticket to get the canvas bag.

What a nice racist comment. And I'm stuck in the grays. Wow. 

Wow... That’s a little dramatic, don’t you think?! Leaving the site because you disagree with the author’s opinion.

Restart the clock app or your phone after downloading it. It didn’t show up for me either until I did that.

God dammit... I thought I was being all original with my comment. 

He doesn’t even have a threehead. 

A random lady walking past the Momentum Chevrolet in San Jose, when reached by Jalopnik on Monday, said she had no comment on the closures.”

I thought for a second maybe Nintendo was releasing a New Switch this year after all, and the promo got pushed out early by mistake. I’d gladly do it for one with more processing power and a bigger battery.

Comments longer than the article are my favorite. 

What were the flags on the play for then?

They try to but can never catch themselves.