
Being racist is bad for business.

there is nothing we can do to stop these. Too many guns out there and the country has pretty decisively shown it will never give them up.

On screen keyboards fill me with dread.

“He’s a racist”

Moral of the story:
Nazis are bad for business.

From where I am sitting, this looks like a Sega 32X.

There is a bad episode?

Now playing

Cobra Command was my favorite FMV game. It felt like there was a real game in my cartoon instead of Dragons Lair actions only.

While rare, ZZ-Top and the Eurythmics disagree with you.

It made for a funny & awkward moment.

due to a terrible miscalculation of scale the entire battle fleet was accidentally swallowed by a small dog.

Da hell?

Hate makes one a monster.

I’m a bit of a jaded ass when it comes to mainline Mario games. Blah blah run and jump.

isn’t what the white kid said considered ‘fightin words’?



Woah! It isn’t the NuTrek design!

Woah! It isn’t the NuTrek design!

You need more stars.

It was supposed to screw you up. Death has consequences in Rick and Morty.

People who worship or idolize Rick are upset that this season shows their favorite character in ‘the wrong’ so much.