
This. Rick is a failure all season. People who worship or idolize Rick are upset that this season shows their favorite character in ‘the wrong’ so much.

All I need is one ring

While I get what you are saying, but perhaps the students should actually listen to their teacher instead of acting like entitled little brats.


This show continues to be alarmingly prophetic.

Snowflake demanding respect and choosing to be offended?

To be fair, the whole ship was designed, engineered and constructed around his theories and ideas.

I’m surprisingly invested in Voq’s plight.

That vehicle is exquisite.

But they will be reporting their pickup/dropoff locations to the cloud. Set up checkpoints for cars coming from night-life hotspots and have the cars automagically pull over for tests.

You do know, that part is in the article and report.

Woah! Pay for a service? :-O

Did nobody else get the Star Wars reference?

My guess is that Trump and Republicans put together some kind of gun control bill that is only aimed at the outer edges of mass shootings half-assed and not thought through at all.

Star for proper use of ‘bated’.

It happens all the time everywhere from suburban Maryland to Bangalore, India.

I find the Flight vs Invisibility debate to be one of the best and most interesting ways to peek into people’s psyche.

Nazis are bad for business.

I have Palace of the Silver Princess. It is my favorite of the early adventure modules.