It was supposed to screw you up. Death has consequences in Rick and Morty.
It was supposed to screw you up. Death has consequences in Rick and Morty.
People who worship or idolize Rick are upset that this season shows their favorite character in ‘the wrong’ so much.
This. Rick is a failure all season. People who worship or idolize Rick are upset that this season shows their favorite character in ‘the wrong’ so much.
I think we may see each of these characters change a bit by season end.
Last Airbender was the first kid entertainment she introduced to me that I also liked. It is one of the best TV series ever made. Period.
Isaacs is Zhao?!
I have so much respect for Isaacs’ unabashedly candid interviews and no-bullshit attitude. Even though he is not what we have come to expect from a starship captain, his heart is pure Trek IDIC, and he shows that without quarter in every part of his life.
All I need is one ring
While I get what you are saying, but perhaps the students should actually listen to their teacher instead of acting like entitled little brats.
Nazis are bad for business.
This is far, far too good a theory.
I loves me some Transformers soundtrack, but the music in Voltron is absolutely perfect.
Is that the original text from this panel?!
Black Panther in Civil War?
Easy!i Time dilation
Finally the fastest!
I’m adoring the relationship feels this show brings.
I like that Supergirl is allowed a space to feel.
Where can I subscribe to your theories? :-D