This show continues to be alarmingly prophetic.
This show continues to be alarmingly prophetic.
When Deep Space 9 launched, I didn’t watch it because it ‘wasn’t Star Trek’. The conflict, characters, and setting were dark and unlike any Trek I that had come before. It was shit and I took every opportunity to tell people how dumb and destructive it was to Star Trek as a whole.
Snowflake demanding respect and choosing to be offended?
To be fair, the whole ship was designed, engineered and constructed around his theories and ideas.
I’m surprisingly invested in Voq’s plight.
I adore the visual effect for the Discovery using it’s spore drive. The look is disorienting and confusing in a way multiple dimensions ARE!
What just happened?
I don’t know about you... but I LOVED this scene.
The line about eating the captain is gruesome, even to the Klingons! They aren’t happy about it, and even mentioned they did it to survive.
Apostrophes are no stranger in Klingon names.
That vehicle is exquisite.
But they will be reporting their pickup/dropoff locations to the cloud. Set up checkpoints for cars coming from night-life hotspots and have the cars automagically pull over for tests.
You do know, that part is in the article and report.
Woah! Pay for a service? :-O
All the stars for you.
One of the knights who say, “Nii”?
“Wasn’t Mother too?”
Reviewers of this show prefer to apply their ‘universal laws of Trek’ while pretending that ‘context’ should never be taken into account.
Now - spin the whole ship around it’s horizontal axis!