
Yes, but their phones suck. :)

1. Patent the use of cane sugar in manufacturing Dr. Pepper

Gizmodo IS a blog.

it's a slider, it's meant to be used in landscape, deal with it. :D

Depressing. I keep seeing these new phones for T-mobile, and being a T-mobile customer I really would like to have them, but instead I'm shopping around for the lesser evil of the other carriers that I will have to switch to when the merger completes.

You read my mind. Well done.

Not quite. Think older. I was done using "LOL" before ICQ, having been on dial-up chat boards for years. You know, with a modem that connected directly to the board's server rather than through that crazy Internet thing. (and LOL had been around before I got my start)

Note that the tattoo appears to be some kind of barcode.

Especially since the so called "Main Street Fairness Act" is championed by such mom and pop stores as Wal*Mart. *eye roll*

Yes, I loved that game!

@Claydoh: as a post marriage survivor, I agree.

@slim934: Seriously loved Wild ARMs

@countjackula: Oh don't worry, I was on BBS's in the early nineties as a young teenager, and the quality of discourse was no better than today's. :)

@redman042: I already don't return them. I'm paying an extra $3, I have a glove box full of 'em in return.

@Groo8: and then what? What good would it do?

Meh. the 108" 3D screen Nvidia had at Blizzcon was cooler (especially since you could log into your own WoW account and play on it).

@Evil_Cookies: And they also routinely fire a slew of employees right before the holidays every year!

My only complaint is that it started inducing flashbacks of the Star Wars Holiday Special.