
I’m just gonna put this here for anyone wondering about bi vs pan and why someone would use one over the other.

You are ridiculous for your comment. Your families systems happen to be the few that didn’t have the issue, but to make a claim that so many people dont know how to take care of their systems is complete bull dong. When does a handful of People speak up for hundreds of people with complaint of this same issue?

Probably, but honestly that’s preferable. After playing AstroBot and Moss on PSVR, I think more Devs need to consider 3rd person as a viable VR option.

My hope is that such questions will be less unusual in reviews, particularly with Red Dead on the horizon.

So after years of me never having the chance to review an AC game, having been in college and freelancing and now finally worked my ass to this moment in time, I finally get a chance say that I think that people bitched too much about Assassin’s Creed III?

So torn on this game. I want it yes. But I want to play it on switch. I don't want to wait but I definitely don't have time to go through this game twice/want to pay for it twice. First world probs

TBH I like the games base mechanics. Characters for any skill level, and even the easy one can get some pretty complex and awesome moves.

for me the gimmick is the counter button. most fighters have blocking as the primary defense and counters being relegated to a few characters, or as a limited mechanic(the sf3 parry). doa was a game which used a much more active feeling of defense, you weren’t turtling, but you could punish over-aggressive players.

When we become a meritocracy and truly post race/gender, then we can draw a line in the sand. But right now, its not, and race/gender is still VERY much at the heart of many topics/debates/issues stemming from the oppressors realizing their “power” is waining.

If you want to be able to rile up the mob for Roseanne saying her stupid racist shit, then you need to grasp the simple fact that the people on the right will do the same to you.

And R2D2 just stood there doing NOTHING

Yeah, but the true reason for the Vita’s failings were mainly Sony’s shortcomings in supporting and marketing the device. They already had to work against a poor first showing with the PSP and did next to nothing to assure the masses that it was a system worth picking up.

Hell, I didn’t get mine until well after Sony

Smart. I usually want to punch everybody in the face when I start a diet as well.

“Teens are snorting CONDOMS now? LOL, guess we don’t need to try to enact sensible gun control legislation!”

Obviously Twitter is another thing Deion couldn’t tackle…

Careful, he’ll stick that thing up your ass and pull the trigger ‘til it goes “click.”

Pepperidge Farm remembers

If this game has a similar life to Destiny 1, it will be excellent when the major expansion comes out, but that shouldn’t be the situation we’re in. There shouldn’t be so many steps backwards after Bungie figured out how to make Destiny 1 work.