Kasey the Kangaroo sought for questioning...
Kasey the Kangaroo sought for questioning...
I had mixed feelings about the anti-grav, I feel like they thought it would have a real wow factor but it did make the sight lines complicated. I agree 100% about the coin boxes, nothing like getting blue shelled and then hitting an item box looking for sweet revenge only to get pointless coins.
This is exactly why I gave up on Mario Kart 8. I played the life out of Mario Kart Wii but burned out quick on 8. It may just be my perception but it seems like driving and good item use just don’t mean much in 8, I can run a perfect race and that still only gives about a 50/50 chance of coming in first.
Is that... is that my phone ringing? No, you can’t hear it ‘cause it’s on vibrate. Oh hi, Mr. President! Yes, I’ll be right there. *exeunt stage left*
I think it is kind of crazy that you can’t sort by effect type in your materials list. If I have a mushroom, an herb, a snail, a bug, and a fish that all give increased armor, it would be great to have them together when I am cooking instead of searching to see what I might be able to combine.
I absolutely second this. Ever since I learned about steaming eggs I have never gone back. No wait for water to boil and no danger of eggs cracking either from being dropped or thermal shock. Perfect!
I had the tab with GKR open for like a week before I succumbed and dropped $100 XD
I have been loving all of the tennis coverage and this article is no exception. Keep up the good work!
I guess Mario Mario was really a trendsetter...
I’m not sure if this means that Fahey reports on weird snacks, is weird for a snack correspondent, or is actually just a large, salty repast who happens to write for Kotaku, but I support all three! Also, whoever submitted “Fahey” for the new Lay’s “Do Us A Flavor” competition should step forward for their prize.
I think the main problem is that a lot of people use a generic waffle recipe to make “belgian waffles” and then aren’t happy with the result. A true belgian waffle uses stiffly beaten egg whites to create the lightest and crispest waffle you have ever had. They are a lot of work but, when done right, well worth it.
I think the main problem is that a lot of people use a generic waffle recipe to make “belgian waffles” and then…
Not at all. I would say if you aren’t interested in the multiplayer (which is really good and I am not the sort to usually play multiplayer) wait until it drops to $15 or $20 and pick it up for the solo campaign alone. It’s fun, really well made, and not too challenging even on the “normal” difficulty (with at least…
I’ve played the mobile versions and they are all terrific. I don’t know how they will modify the control scheme (the mobile version is very motion based) but I still bet it will be a lot of fun.
But, but, but...
Whenever I hear conversations about 4K v. 1080P it always reminds me of this chart:
I’m not sure if this is part of FB’s anti-ad-block changes or not but I am seeing a ton more in-stream adds even with uBlock installed and updated. Everything else looks the same but it feels like almost every other post in my stream is “sponsored.”
I watched the whole match and I really enjoyed it but the telecast was bizarre. They kept showing replays of stuff that had happened 5 or 10 minutes previous without any context and with even the announcers appearing to be confused and then when stuff did happen, it was almost always off camera. It took them forever…
Man, that Microsoft demo was so so bad. It was like they chose someone who had never played the game before. He just kept getting hit over and over and over again without ever really doing anything cool.
They must mean that it supports 4k blu ray because reviews make it seem like it can barely handle 1080p for games.