That would be way more impressive if he hadn't clearly drilled a hole in the middle and was just spinning it around his finger. It doesn't look like the guy in the OP is doing that which would require a ton more manual dexterity.
That would be way more impressive if he hadn't clearly drilled a hole in the middle and was just spinning it around his finger. It doesn't look like the guy in the OP is doing that which would require a ton more manual dexterity.
We recently recommended you buy the Panasonic ST60 Plasma, because it's the best TV. However, if that's way out of your price range, or you don't like Plasma, then this 50" Smart LED, also from Panasonic, which is selling for $1300 elsewhere, is only 750 bucks today on Amazon. Ballerina not included. [Amazon]
She joins Florence Nightingale and Elizabeth Fry as the third non-royal to appear on British currency. She's replacing Charles Darwin
Does he have lip-liner on or have I just been hitting the bottle too early?
Gah! Requires 10.7+. Until my organization loosens the purse strings a bit and lets us upgrade, it looks like I will just have to keep waiting.
There should also be a sub-commandment that whenever an individual is given two options it shall be easy to identify which is highlighted. I hate it when I am asked something like "do you want to erase your save game and the 60+ hours you have put into this game?" and my answers are a gray "yes" and light gray "no." …
Now you just need a 10th kit to remind you where all the other kits are and what they are for.
Piledriver... of the damned!
Unfortunately Heisenberg Uncertainty is not a failure in our observational technology but rather a fact of quantum mechanics. In order to achieve more and more accurate readings of subatomic position, we have to use greater and greater energy. As energy increases, the effect on the subatomic particle from the…
I think that there are a few ways that know the statues were painted. First, I believe there are texts surviving from the greeks that describe the colorful statues. Second, some of the frescoes and other paintings that have survived depict statues fully painted. Finally, archaeological excavation of ancient greek…
Whoever thought up the "random" shooting type is a sadist indeed. I was sailing along until I picked up an eridien random gun and was destroyed before I could kill anyone to get a new gun. Even the "spread" function can really bite you in the butt for the slower guns (railgun, rockets, etc.).
I had that happen once but as I walked around an enemy glitched into existence from one of the mid-level walls. Once I killed that guy the waves continued on.
Yeah! How dare Kotaku print the exact word used by the developer in describing the scene. Shame on them for not presciently modifying reality so that we don't have to think about icky things.
Really, he pretty much gives up the argument when he says "It's kinda grindhouse-ish." Stating that the scene references a genre that was known for sexism is not going to help your argument that what you made wasn't sexist. It's like basing a scene on black face and then being surprised when you are called racist. …
I think that you have to manually recalibrate because the calibration occurs when you tell the system you are pointing the controller at the screen. The controller doesn't know when it is aiming at the screen, leading to the issue at hand and making it impossible to automatically calibrate.
I had this exact same problem with Skyward Sword. It wasn't a huge deal to have to re-calibrate but it absolutely breaks the immersion in the game. Creating an entire system that will invite the exact same issue is a problem.