
I generally agree, but with the important caveat that the person who wants to just pay for their fair share better be including tax and tip in their calculations. And they should be contributing fairly to shared appetizers or pitchers that they participated in. If you ordered a $9 burger, a $10 bill does not cover

I came here to say this exactly. Why is Jez suddenly hating on every woman who speaks out on something, regardless of whether it’s a good or bad message?

Man, people really can’t win. Jameela Jamil has been saying mostly the right things for a long time, and backs it up by taking celebrities who hawk dangerous ideas and products to task. So she’s not the first to say these things, does that mean she shouldn’t say them? Or that she deserves this snotty recap of her

I’m not sure if the people commenting are being intentionally obtuse or don’t know any cheap people. Not wanting to split a very uneven tab evenly doesn’t make you a cheapstake. Cheapstakes are:

Liked it. Sucks it picked up right at the end and it got canceled.

I personally think they should bring Mara back, but completely independent of Luke. She’s awesome enough on her own that she doesn’t need anyone else.

I wonder how they could Justfy these actions. I would hope they get more than a Citation from the Secretariat responsible. This type of Assault on horse racing ethics cannot be Affirmed.

Life... uh... finds a way...

But with cookbooks you don’t need to scroll through a neverending story about how they created this recipe when their kid’s cousin’s stepfather came over unexpectedly and needed something to take back to his church cook sale.

The Washington Post reports that previously a parent took a photo of her backside and shared it with other parents

And Hera Syndulla.

Sir, I’d like to speak to the manager about your EGREGIOUS rankings on the A-Wing.


I hoped for a Joker “origin” movie that tells no origin at all, perhaps this one might succeed in doing.

Wow, I think this is stupid. No, not that they replaced the essay, that you think it was replaced because they wanted it to be apolitical. I mean, it’s Mark Waid. The guy whom Comicsgaters hates because he likes to write progressive, liberal comics. The guy who got Mystique and Destiny to kiss after 37 years. The guy

Fauxcahontas is word play beyond what Trump is capable of. I’m not saying he won’t bring it up, it’s just that it will be rants using Pocahontas as a slur.

Your excitement is fucking adorable and I want him to wear fascinators always.


Tip: if you're bad with names (as I am) and you miss someone's name during the initial introduction, use another one of the tips in this post to learn it again - introduce them to someone you know.

Not everybody on the board is poorly dressed or wears tee shirts all the time.