
Goddamnit now I really want to try her cookies too!

Have you ever had the ones from Potbellys? Their oatmeal chocolate chip cookie is AMAZING especially if it’s still warm!

Okay but what if instead they just made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies? Because those are tasty as hell.

I almost felt bad hoping that he’d be the one to kick it in the finale. Almost.

You’ve hit the nail right on the head. I keep putting the X-books at the bottom of my (admittedly ridiculously large) stack because they’re just not doing it for me anymore and the X-men were how I got into comics. I’m seriously considering dropping a lot of these soon. Maybe Uncanny X-men can stay because it’s got my

I desperately want her to gut Brendol Hux and adopt lil Armitage. It’s not going to happen but a girl can dream.

Cosigned to all of this. I actually loved the writing style for the first book as it gave it this very urgent feel like I was reading. Loved Life Debt even more though and not just because of more fabulous Mr. Bones lines!

I am SO WORRIED about my girl Sloane. Like... ridiculously proud that she’s risen from Captain to Grand Admiral as quickly as she has but... Look, she deserves so much better than having to deal with Gallius Shithead Rax. Girlfriend needs to end that bastard and rule like the Queen she is.

Your subjective view of Aftermath aside, those two things aren’t related.

I would make so many sacrifices at the alter of Lucasfilm to get the Organas on the screen again. Both Bail and Breha.

Was just coming here to say this. I doubt they’ll do a trilogy but it makes sense to sign him to a multi-film contract now and then use him in other films if they want/need to. Might as well lock him into his current rate before his star power/salary potentially skyrockets after the Han Solo film.

I completely missed this before and now my mind is blown. This totally needs to happen!

“This sort of line of thinking wasn’t all that uncommon in the stories told in the old expanded universe, but it’s fresh for the Disney canon, a universe that at the moment is still quite alright with teaching Star Wars’ classic good-vs-evil story, and leaving the potential shades of grey to be pondered after the

I need it.

...the fuck???

I think so? I’m not the best at keeping track of figures but she’s probably one of the first if not THE first.


Ashley Eckstein has consistently been one of the most wonderful people I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting. She’s an absolute sweetheart who cares about her fans and wants to do everything she can to make the fan community a better place especially for girls. I’m still floored that I originally met her at Dragon Con

She’s even more gorgeous in person. It’s genuinely not fair.

Someone please take away their shovel.