
In their warped universe, you are correct. But neither Tuan, P or E is really a "military officer," nor are they on "military missions." They are spies, in the country illegally, breaking laws, from identity theft to murder, left and right. And Tuan was part of a team. He should have discussed the plan with P&E

I think that scene was supposed to show another contrast with life in America vs. life in the USSR. Paige wouldn't be driving anywhere in Russia.

I don't see it. The FBI would have better means of spying on him, assuming they have cause. As for Renee, yes, Stan doesn't tell her anything but she is moving in with him now. That puts her right where she needs to be in case Stan slips up, like bringing something home from the office. She will also be free to

Stan must have figured out that Nina fooled the lie detector. Surprised he would trust it again.

Remember that scene with Henry when Stan said he didn't trust anyone? I think he may be on to Renee—or at least is suspicious. That said, why isn't he more suspicious of P&E? Doesn't he see all their late night comings and goings? He knows the illegals are a youngish couple and that the wife is "pretty." Why

I think I read that Ms. Wright knows some Russian. I think she said she had previously had a Russian boyfriend.

She is being trained as a translator.

It seemed unnatural to me, if that was what it was. Anyone can easily move away but the show just has them up and be gone. I wonder that the surveillance guy thought about Philip repeatedly ringing the doorbell and banging on the door.

I liked the episode, with some reservations. I don't like the whole Paige/jr. spy thing. Too much time was spent on the martial arts thing with E. I found it boring. Paige, or the actress playing her, is too soft to be a spy. It causes cognitive dissonance in me. Also, what was that nod Philip gave to the guy

They aren't his parents. I'm not aware that Tuan was sent for training by P&E.(not that it makes him a good person).

Exactly. I get that Philip wants out, but the Soviet Union? With his two American kids? The writers had to pull back from this pending disaster.

But if they stay, there will be many more Jim and Kimmy scenes.

Excellent observation. It makes perfect sense that P would be under investigation, too.

It was a cross, not a crucifix. Not that it matters—just to be technically correct.

He wanted to do this in the pilot episode. He has a lot more to answer for now, though, including the death of Chris Amador. Not sure Stan would forgive that.

Actually, he's not good at his job. He went rogue. That wasn't part of the job description.

I think Sofia just wanted her teeth fixed.

Here's a possible endgame for the Jenningses. Tell Stan or any other Americans they are friends with (are there any others?) they are moving—to California, Florida, wherever. Assuming Paige is not eager to move to Russia, put both her and Henry in boarding school—but make sure they have up-to-date US passports. The

I'm going to miss Jimmy. I can already see him slipping away. (A different Slipping Jimmy).

Zero, if Stan finds out they murdered his colleague (Amador?).