
In many states, 16 is a juvenile but courts have the option to try them as adults.

She killed Betty because she had seen E's face, not for the cause.

I guess it depends on your definition of "monster." I think few would agree that Islamic terrorists who kill for their twisted religious beliefs are not monsters. Osama bin Ladin certainly enjoyed seeing the twin towers fall from all accounts. The actual perpetrators are dead, but hoped to enjoy paradise for their

I disagree. Ideologues who think they are justified in killing because they are serving their country or their beliefs are monsters. She is no different from an "indoctrinated" Islamic terrorist or a Nazi who killed innocent civilians in the belief of serving his or her country and winning WWII. Her rules may be

The husband was innocent. And the killings were not justifiable even if Anna was a willing collaborator. Even Nazi executioners are entitled to due process.

Totally disagree. The "justice" system of the Soviet Union would have offered her no justice at all. Her murder, 40 years later by Soviet agents, proves that.
She was just a tool—the people she killed were going to die regardless. Under a fair justice system, she would not have been held responsible. So she was

Elizabeth's version of feeling bad is wanting to go back to the Soviet Union. I don't think that is what Philip has in mind.

The Soviet Union? Maybe she wouldn't be doing the killing but the masterminds would (e.g., Nina).

I read that empty bottles of vodka were almost always found in the mass graves of persons killed by the Soviets. (The Nazis weren't the only mass killers).

No, but Paige might be.

It was Philip, trying to fool himself.

She was 16. Our law recognizes that juveniles are sometimes not criminally liable. Given her circumstances, I think a fair process would not judge her a war criminal.

The Center had decided she was guilty. They had to kill her. She could have identified them. Their disguises were no help, especially Philip's.

Stan is a murderer, too. There is really no good outcome possible on this show.

I assume it's the wedding between Levin and Kitty. Funny, I don't remember it. I loved Anna Karenina. Will have to go back and look up the scene.

Maybe not overtly, but evangelical Protestants have always leaned conservative, politically. Maybe Pastor Tim was a Jesus freak—we don't know. But the way he is portrayed in the show is not consistent with any Christian denomination I am aware of. He combines aspects of many types of Christian religious practices.

-I would even argue that finding a safe and sane and positive way to move
Tim out of the picture will be consistent with the changes in Mikhael
and Nadezdya.-

This reminds me of the people who were fans of Walter White on Breaking Bad. He's a cool dude, man!

Pastor Tim is a mishmash of various types of Christianity. The stained glass window with pictures of Jesus, pictures of Jesus and crosses on the walls (and in the church) are typical of Catholicism. Organizing nuclear plant protests, food pantries and working to eliminate world hunger are typical of liberal

Actually, in the pilot, he was jealous, or at least perturbed, by her involvement with the government guy. That was before they were truly a committed couple (because Elizabeth didn't want it; Philip always did). He was also bothered by, if not jealous of, Gregory.