
Not sure I agree Pastor Tim is a dead man. Everyone thought Martha was a goner, too. They would have to kill Pastor Tim's wife, too. And would have to be sure he hadn't told anyone else. I love the Russian dialogue (and actors), too.

Some do, if they target and kill civilians. Soldiers are subject to laws governing war crimes. In any event, P&E are not soldiers. They are not fighting in a war. They are engaged in espionage. They are in the US illegally, but are subject to our laws, which say that no one has the right to take the life of

The result might have been different in the Reagan era (or now). The 14th amendment has been held not to grant birthright citizenship to children of diplomats or foreign occupiers. It's not a stretch to think that the rule might be extended to the children of foreign spies.

I don't blame her, but in her naivete, she did create the situation. Pastor Tim and his wife didn't ask for and probably don't want the "Damocles sword" they hold over the Jennings.

Christianity recognizes that everyone is a sinner—even Christian pastors. And a committed Christian would believe that prayer would help her. Maybe in the absence of knowing what to do, he has turned it over to God.

There is a real-life situation where Russian spies were living in the US after falsely gaining Canadian citizenship. They had two teenage children. After they were discovered, the whole family was sent back to Russia in an exchange and the children, born in Canada, were stripped of their citizenship. The same

He didn't intend for her to read it. Also, what people write in their diaries is not always the whole truth. It may be what someone is feeling at a moment in time. That is why diaries are usually considered private and why snoopers almost never come away happy with what they have read. And the Damocles sword was

Funny, I sometimes wonder what Philip sees in a sociopath.

Ha ha—I noticed that, too. I wonder if the priest was used to doing weddings in secrecy like that back in the USSR. It's ironic that he's doing the same for Soviet agents in the US.

I agree that he is off the mark in saying her situation is worse than sexual abuse, but both situations involve secrecy and lying and the potential break-up of a family.

I agree. He is encouraging her. He is worried about her but doesn't think she is irretrievably doomed.

Agree. Her life would be infinitely worse if her parents were outed and he knows that.

I watch a lot of stuff that goes against my "moral compass." I don't live in a bubble. (Whose moral compass, by the way, condones murder?). Pastor Tim's supposed transgressions (what could he really do to help Paige? And we don't know—maybe he is praying for her) pale in comparison to the many murders committed by

She doesn't look like Nina at all. The actress who played Nina had dark eyes and an usual look—maybe because she is half Indian. The actress who plays Evgenia is a more classic beauty. In real life, she is a ballet dancer.

The serial-killing Jenningses A-OK. Pastor Tim deserving of gruesome death, proving correctness of review title.

Maybe he's like Carmela in The Sopranos…

Then there would have been no "bingo."

The fact that it was a copy doesn't matter. The point was that Jimmy didn't destroy the only version. There was still one—copy or original—that could be played at the hearing.

Yes. But the doctor wanted Jimmy to have him committed as his guardian. Chuck would still probably resist. I think something like Prozac would probably help him.