
Partners can be ousted. It depends on the partnership agreement. I would say Chuck's legal career is over, but maybe he can now get the help he needs to overcome his mental illness.

Jimmy can play Chuck like a fiddle, just like Chuck played Jimmy. (And calling the doctor would have destroyed the element of surprise. Plus, she didn't have current knowledge of Chuck's condition).

Somewhat. But at the end of The Caine Mutiny, the lawyer tears into the mutineers, essentially saying Queeg was a patriot and that the Fred McMurray character orchestrated the rebellion in a way that kept his hands clean. I have read the book twice and seen the movie at least twice. It ranks up there with the best

Also, how do they keep their house so neat and clean?

No, he couldn't. It would be unauthorized practice of law. He could work as a paralegal but couldn't hold himself out as a lawyer giving legal advice. Every state requires lawyers to be licensed.

Where there's life, there's hope.

Yes, but whose actions were were more selfish in their motivation to inflict harm. Being "legal" does not make something justifiable.

Property worth $3 and change.

Don't forget that Chuck helped (masterminded?) HHM steal the client away from Kim. That was Jimmy's motivation.

He can't practice law under any name if he is disbarred.

She does have more to lose. Where she is now is better than being in a Soviet prison—or dead, like Nina.

Yes, lots has happened. Season 4 was the best. The early seasons sometimes reminded me of Charlie's Angels when Elizabeth was doing her thing.

But thankfully, no Paige.

She didn't know it was KGB. She had seen Philip without his disguise, Elizabeth (disguised) and Gabriel (undisguised) and knew where the safe house was. At a minimum, she could have provided insight into their tactics. They would want information from her and would have offered her a deal, if necessary. She

Martha would have been much better off just turning herself in to the FBI. She had valuable information that she could have traded for a light or no sentence and, maybe, witness protection.

His fate, more likely, would be a "tragic accident." The camps were closed after Stalin's death in 1953.

Why did Philip agree to it? It seems like a recipe for driving the kid to suicide.

Sorry, I meant Holly Taylor.

He actually said, Deirdre broke up with me. But we all knew she dumped him!

He killed the Russian because someone he assumed was Soviet (in fact, P&E) killed his partner—the one who liked Martha. Wait until Stan finds out about that.