
I don't think the show has gotten boring—with one exception. The Paige story is boring. It appears to be a set up for the final conflict between Philip and Elizabeth, the one that might blow them apart. But does it have to take up so much screen time? I know some will disagree, but I don't think Polly Taylor is a

That gives Chuck way too much credit. Chuck is not an innocent in all of this. Didn't he scheme to take away Mesa Verde from Kim? Didn't he use Ernesto as a pawn to get Jimmy to break into his house? He also lied to the prosecutor about being remorseful and to Jimmy about wanting to help him. As far as Jimmy is

Chuck isn't remorseful. That was just a ruse to fool the prosecutor. He wants Jimmy disbarred. From the beginning, he has tried to thwart Jimmy's legal ambitions.

Entrapment involves government action. Chuck is a private citizen.

I think he wants Jimmy to come crawling back to him for help. Chuck wants to have the upper hand because he is jealous of the fact that Jimmy gets by on his charm and personality unlike Chuck, who had to achieve through hard work.

Turkey, not turtle (McConnell).

Did he think Jimmy would suddenly go straight after losing his license and maybe serving prison time? That would put him even further along on the path to destruction.

I agree. Chuck's motivation is not to keep Jimmy from becoming a crooked lawyer. It is to destroy him. He is jealous of Jimmy's easy charm and his ability to cut corners and still succeed. He would like nothing better than for Jimmy to come crawling back to him, after losing his livelihood, Kim, and everything

Tai would win.

Except that Phillip was one of her biggest detractors— Fransquisha or whatever he called her.

I don't remember that.

Ah, youth.

Cirie has always been one of my favorite players. She manages to be a player while still seeming so nice and friendly. I hope she goes far this time.

Saul put Walt in touch with Gus on BB. "I know a guy who knows a guy…"

Maybe not, but Jimmy has a defense—that it was just to humor Chuck, who by the way, is pretty

Also, his crime, if it was a crime, it doesn't involve the contents of the tape. There are still admissibility problems with the tape—authentication, chain of custody, etc. All Chuck has really accomplished is getting Jimmy arrested for breaking and entering and some minor property damage—all of which is unlikely to

No, unless the show plans to do some shark-jumping.

Her parents—or Philip, at least—will likely tell her. She asks a lot of questions. Philp couldn't continue the lies with Martha. I doubt if he will be able to with his own daughter. And Glasnost is coming.

No. The show is too good for that.

But if they need a lie to keep her mad, what is the point? She will find out the truth eventually—hopefully not after she has killed someone.