
She wasn't very motherly with Sample. I would hate to see the show end with two babies being born into potentially disastrous circumstances. Adam and Jessa should break up, in my opinion. Adam seems to have some potential for growth. Jessa, not so much.

Was Elijah's comment about late-term abortions foreshadowing?

Wouldn't the Russians know that the US sent the bugs? How else would they have gotten there? (Not to mention that their spies might have uncovered the program, as in the show). That wouldn't be very covert and would lead to terrible publicity for the US government.

The US was selling wheat to the USSR in this time frame, I think. Why would they sell it and then destroy it? If their goal was to starve the Russians they could have just stopped selling and let the Soviet policies continue to fail to produce enough food.

She didn't have any other choice, did she? She was broke and was out of options. She was heading to her mother's couch regardless of what the pawn shop guy said.

I don't think so. I think it would be unrealistic if he did.

What happened to Caroline?

I always wonder about the so-called Southern Strategy of Richard Nixon. He didn't win any Deep South states in 1968. They all went to George Wallace. By 1972, the Democrats had swung far left. Maybe that caused former Democrats to turn Republican. I know it caused many of my northern state Democratic relatives to

Agree—he's not bad, though he does some not so good things (eg, sleeping with Alison). But at least he is self-aware. I also think he would not struggle over the choice, given how he has been portrayed thus far.

So far, Luisa is the only "good" character on the show. Well, except for Joanie.

He doesn't have any feelings for the kids he raised with Helen, either. Especially those two youngest ones. Does he even know their names?

If Helen's parents didn't have a place in Montauk, Noah never would have met Alison.

Or the writers concocted that scene to create future drama.

Cole must have some feelings for Luisa, I don't recall their marriage being portrayed as a rebound situation. Many people take their marriage vows seriously and do stay in the marriage even after love fades, which it often does. It's not like there is hostility there. She still loves him, obviously. If he

Michael Savage watches it.

Yep, Noah is the character I love to hate the most. I want everyone to resolve all of their problems—Helen marries Vic, Cole and Luisa become parents, Alison finds fulfillment as a grief counselor and moves to New Jersey with Joanie—except Noah. Noah ends up alone, living in that depressing lake house.

Sorry, I don't buy that Cole wouldn't have moved on from Alison by now. She betrayed him, is unstable, has no direction in life and is kind of a sad sack. If he is still so in love with her that he is almost willing to blow up his life, he needs to spend some time at Woodlawn.

I'm not sure I agree. Didn't Helen withhold from Vic the fact that she had gone to see Noah in prison? Her secretiveness made him distrustful of her. And as it turns out, he was right to be distrustful.

But it couldn't have been proven because they left the scene. So Noah couldn't have been convicted of drunk driving. In real life, he probably would have gotten a year in minimum security—and only because it was hit and run.

Are you sure he was drunk? Wasn't it Helen who was?